Study guide 19 ELECTRICALINSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE NC II UC Perform roughingin activities wiring and cabling works for single-phase distribution power lighting and auxiliary systems LO Install Electrical Metallic Non- Metallic Pvc Conduit STUDY GUIDE h

ELECTRICALINSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE NC II UC Perform roughingin activities wiring and cabling works for single-phase distribution power lighting and auxiliary systems LO Install Electrical Metallic Non- Metallic Pvc Conduit STUDY GUIDE hours Prepared by Rommel A Selga Trainer INTRODUCTION The Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC II Quali ?cation consists of competencies that a person must achieve to enable him her to install and maintain electrical wiring lighting and related equipment and systems where the voltage does not exceed volts in residential houses buildings This unit covers the knowledge skills and attitudes on installing electrical metallic and non-metallic conduit wire ways and cable clamp auxiliary terminal cabinet and distribution frame panel board safety switch and used in roughing-in based on the required performance standards This unit also covers the outcomes required in preparing for cable pulling and installation performing wiring and cabling lay-out and notifying completion of work for single-phase distribution power lighting and auxiliary systems OBJECTIVES At the end of this module you should be able to Install electrical metallic nonmetallic PVC conduit Install wire ways and cable tray Install auxiliary terminal cabinet and distribution panel Prepare for cable pulling and installation Perform wiring and cabling lay out Notify completion of work KEY CONCEPTS UNIT I Install electrical metallic nonmetallic PVC conduit Interpret electrical wiring diagrams and mechanical drawings Identify proper usage and types of conduits ?ttings in electrical installation Identify technique of installation and bending of conduit and ?tting Apply proper usage of safety harness Interpret plan and details drawing C Practice proper handling of materials tools and equipment Practice procedure in proper bending of conduits Practice procedure in installing conduits Perform the installation economically UNIT II Install wire ways and cable tray Identify use of materials tools and equipment Interpret electrical mechanical drawing Determine suitability for installation and used of bus way cable tray ?ttings and panels conformity with the provision of the PEC Code Practice wire way and cable tray installation Practice proper use of safety harness PPE Interpret technical plan Use e ?ective communication skills written and oral Practice e ?ective use of measuring tape Perform the installation economically UNIT III Install auxiliary terminal cabinet and distribution panel Learn and apply mensuration Determine blue print reading and materials speci ?cation Read proper proo ?ng standards Perform proper procedure in installation of auxiliary terminal cabinet and distribution panel Apply proper use of safety harness PPE Interpret technical plan Practice e ?ective use of measuring devices Practice proper handling of tools and equipment Install terminal cabinet and distribution panel Perform the installation economically UNIT IV Prepare for cable pulling and installation Read and familiarize o mensuration o Blue print reading and materials speci ?cation o uses of wires cables and tools o required sizes of cable based on PEC Wire Table Prepare cable for installation Interpret technical plan and drawing Practice e ?ective use of measuring tapes Practice proper handling of tools and equipment Apply methods and techniques in various type of wiring wires and cables UNIT V

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