Asciidoc writers guide AsciiDoc Writer ? s Guide CTable of Contents vii Writing in AsciiDoc ??It ? s just text mate ? Content is king Admonitions Mild punctuation strong impact Quoted text Preventing substitution Replacements Lists lists lists Lists of th
AsciiDoc Writer ? s Guide CTable of Contents vii Writing in AsciiDoc ??It ? s just text mate ? Content is king Admonitions Mild punctuation strong impact Quoted text Preventing substitution Replacements Lists lists lists Lists of things Ordering the things Titling a list Labeled lists Hybrid lists Complex list content Dividing lists Links and images External links Target window and role attributes for links Links to relative ?les Internal cross references Images Titles titles titles Document title Document attributes Section titles Block titles Building blocks in AsciiDoc Delimited blocks Block metadata Masquerading blocks Admonition blocks Listing and source code blocks Open blocks Passthrough blocks ii CAsciiDoc Writer ? s Guide Delimiters optional A new perspective on tables What else can AsciiDoc do Rendering your document Installing AsciiDoc Installing AsciiDoc via a package manager Installing AsciiDoc manually Converting a document to HTML Converting a document to DocBook Converting the document to PDF Producing HTML-based presentations Output galore Where else is AsciiDoc rendered Wrap-up Glossary iii CList of Figures A mountain sunset iv CList of Tables Ordered list numbering scheme by level v CList of Examples A nested ordered list A basic labeled list A hybrid list A list with complex content A hyperlinked image with caption Source code with callouts vi CThis guide provides a gentle introduction to AsciiDoc a plain text documentation syntax and processor This introduction is intended for anyone who wants to reduce the e ?ort required to write and publish content whether for technical documentation articles web pages or good ol'- fashioned prose If you want to know what AsciiDoc is all about ?nd the answer in What is AsciiDoc If you ? re looking for a concise survey of the AsciiDoc syntax consult the AsciiDoc Syntax Quick Reference In this guide you ? ll learn ? The basic structure of an AsciiDoc document ? How to create your ?rst AsciiDoc document ? How to add other structural elements such as lists block quotes and source code ? How to render an AsciiDoc document to HTML DocBook and PDF In addition to covering the AsciiDoc basics this guide also suggests a set of conventions to help you create more consistent documents and maximize your writing productivity Let ? s dive in to AsciiDoc http asciidoc org http asciidoctor org docs what-is-asciidoc-why-use-it http asciidoctor org docs asciidoc-syntax-quick-reference vii CChapter Writing in AsciiDoc The goal of this section is to teach you how to compose your ?rst AsciiDoc document Hopefully when you look back you ? ll agree it just makes sense Your adventure with AsciiDoc begins in your favorite text editor ??It ? s just text mate ? Since AsciiDoc syntax is just plain text you can write an AsciiDoc document using any text editor You don ? t need complex word processing programs like Microsoft Word OpenO ?ce Writer or Google Docs In fact you shouldn ? t use these programs because they add cruft to your document that you can ? t see and makes
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