Tpci suction guide Suction Design Guide for Reciprocating Plunger Pumps CTPCI ? s Suction Design Guide for Reciprocating Plunger Pumps Suction Design Guide for Reciprocating Plunger Pumps Suction head is the energy of an incompressible uid causing pressur

Suction Design Guide for Reciprocating Plunger Pumps CTPCI ? s Suction Design Guide for Reciprocating Plunger Pumps Suction Design Guide for Reciprocating Plunger Pumps Suction head is the energy of an incompressible uid causing pressure within the piping of a pump Suction head is generally expressed in terms of feet of water or pounds per square inch Head is the weight of uid being expelled from the opening of a feeding source to the suction side of the reciprocating pump To calculate the head of a particular uid use the following calculation h p SG Where h Head feet p Pressure psi SG Speci ?c gravity of the liquid There are two suction head calculations particularly signi ?cant to plunger pump systems ?? Net Positive Suction Head available NPSHa and Net Positive Suction Head required NPSHr Net Positive Suction Head required NPSHr is generally calculated by the original pump manufacturer through experimentation The manufacturer calculates the NPSHr required for the pump to run safely and with optimal e ?ciency without the occurrence of cavitation NPSHr equation NPSHr Ps Pvap Ps Stagnation suction pressure at the pump inlet with the pump running Pvap Vapor pressure of the amount raised by pumping at inlet temperature NPSHr Ps Pvap PSI NPSHr p SG Feet West Hwy Cleburne Texas T - F - www triangle-pump com CTPCI ? s Suction Design Guide for Reciprocating Plunger Pumps Net Positive Suction Head available NPSHa is calculated on the suction side of the pump Generally the NPSHa of a pump is calculated during the design and construction of the pumping system and is used to test the pumping system upon design completion NPSHa Psg PZ Patm Pvel ?? Pvap Where NPSHa NPSH available to the pump psi Psg Gauge pressure measured at suction nozzle psig Pz Elevation of gauge above pump centerline converted to pressure units psi Patm Atmospheric pressure psia Pvel Velocity head converted to pressure units psi Pvap Vapor pressure of the amount raised by pumping at the pump suction nozzle psia Suction head keeps the valve chamber on the suction side of the plunger pump full throughout the pumping cycle Suction head is essential to the pumping system ADEQUATE SUCTION HEAD IS REQUIRED IN ORDER TO Sustain pressure above the uid vapor pressure uid must remain in its liquid state during the pumping process Avoid uid resistance throughout the piping system uid friction Defeat spring tension on the suction valve Overcome the weight of the valve Reduce uid resistance as it moves through the suction valve Meet the acceleration requirements of the pump Meet velocity head in suction line West Hwy Cleburne Texas T - F - www triangle-pump com CTPCI ? s Suction Design Guide for Reciprocating Plunger Pumps If adequate suction head is not achieved in the pumping system vapor cavities will form within the uid being pumped also known as cavitation If cavitation occurs in the pump system or piping it can impair the pump causing damage and operational issues Every

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