Uft install guide 1 HP Uni ?ed Functional Testing Software Version Windows operating systems Installation Guide Document Release Date January Software Release Date January CInstallation Guide Legal Notices Warranty The only warranties for HP products and

HP Uni ?ed Functional Testing Software Version Windows operating systems Installation Guide Document Release Date January Software Release Date January CInstallation Guide Legal Notices Warranty The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein The information contained herein is subject to change without notice Restricted Rights Legend Con ?dential computer software Valid license from HP required for possession use or copying Consistent with FAR and Commercial Computer Software Computer Software Documentation and Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U S Government under vendor's standard commercial license Copyright Notice ? Copyright - Hewlett-Packard Development Company L P Trademark Notices Adobe and Acrobat are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated Google and Google Maps are trademarks of Google Inc Intel and Pentium are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U S and other countries Microsoft Windows Windows XP and Windows Vista are U S registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and or its a ?liates Documentation Updates The title page of this document contains the following identifying information l Software Version number which indicates the software version l Document Release Date which changes each time the document is updated l Software Release Date which indicates the release date of this version of the software To check for recent updates or to verify that you are using the most recent edition of a document go to https softwaresupport hp com This site requires that you register for an HP Passport and sign in To register for an HP Passport ID go to https softwaresupport hp com and click Register Support Visit the HP Software Support Online web site at https softwaresupport hp com This web site provides contact information and details about the products services and support that HP Software o ?ers HP Uni ?ed Functional Testing Page CInstallation Guide HP Software online support provides customer self-solve capabilities It provides a fast and e ?cient way to access interactive technical support tools needed to manage your business As a valued support customer you can bene ?t by using the support web site to l Search for knowledge documents of interest l Submit and track support cases and enhancement requests l Download software patches l Manage support contracts l Look up HP support contacts l Review information about available services l Enter into discussions with other software customers l Research and register for software training Most of the support areas require that you register as an HP Passport user and sign in Many also require a support contract To register for an HP Passport ID go to https softwaresupport hp com and click Register To ?nd more information about access levels go to https softwaresupport hp com web softwaresupport accesslevels HP Software Solutions Integrations and Best Practices Visit HP

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