Aws setup guide v7 Saviynt Security Manager v AWS Integration Administration Guide CEdition notice Note This edition applies to version of Saviynt Security Manager and to all subsequent releases and modi ?cations until otherwise indicated in new editions

Saviynt Security Manager v AWS Integration Administration Guide CEdition notice Note This edition applies to version of Saviynt Security Manager and to all subsequent releases and modi ?cations until otherwise indicated in new editions ? Copyright Saviynt INC Saviynt Security Manager v AWS Setup Guide CContents ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT SAVIYNT STACK SETUP AWS POLICIES ROLES AND INSTANCE USING AWSCONSOLE- CLOUDFORMATION TEMPLATE Login to AWS Console Create a stack using Cloud Formation Template ELASTIC SEARCH AND KIBANA STACK SETUP FOR USAGE LOGS HTTPS S AMAZONAWS COM SAVIYNTCFTEMPLATES AWSKIBANASETUPGUIDE DOCX SAVIYNT SETUP UPDATE EXTERNAL PROPERTIES FILE WINDOWS IF CENTOS CLICK HERE UPDATE EXTERNAL PROPERTIES FILE CENTOS CREATE AND CONFIGURE CONNECTION DASHBOARDS ANALYTICAL CONTROL VIOLATIONS AND ACTIONS Analytical controls Violations Enable Cloud trail log validation DC Action Performing DC Action for Multiple Violation DC action Table CLOUD TRAIL LOGS VPC FLOW LOGS PRIVILEGE ACCESS MANAGEMENT REQUEST PRIVILEGE ACCESS MANAGEMENT-ASSUME ROLE FROM CLI AND BROWSER PRIVILEGE ACCESS MANAGEMENT-VIEW HISTORY CONFIGURE PRIVILEGED ACCESS ROLES CONFIGURATION FOR PREVENTATIVE CONTROL List of Preventative Rules Modify Attributes of Preventative Rules Creation of Rules Making Rules Inactive CONFIGURE SMTP AND ADMIN EMAIL CONFIGURE ACCESS REQUEST SYSTEM OVERVIEW CONFIGURE ACCESS REQUEST PAGE Con ?gure ARS Dashboard Page Other ARS Con ?guration Con ?gure Entitlement Type Options Associate Dynamic Attributes to Endpoint CONFIGURE ACCESS REQUEST WORKFLOWS Saviynt Security Manager v AWS Setup Guide C Associate Work ows to Applications CONFIGURE USERS ACCOUNTS AND ENTITLEMENTS OVERVIEW USER ADMINISTRATION View User Details Import Users ACCOUNT ADMINISTRATION View Accounts Import Accounts ENTITLEMENT ADMINISTRATION View Entitlement Details Import Entitlements ACCESS REQUEST SYSTEM ARS LOGGING IN AND OUT FROM SAVIYNT ACCESS REQUEST SYSTEM REQUEST ACCESS SELF-REQUEST REQUESTING ACCESS FOR YOURSELF REQUEST ACCESS FOR OTHERS REMOVE ACCESS FOR OTHERS REQUEST HISTORY REQUEST APPROVAL TASKS SET UP A DELEGATE ATTESTATION ATTESTATION CONFIGURATION GENERAL CONFIGURATION USER MANAGER CERTIFICATION CONFIGURATION STATUS OF THE ATTESTATION USER MANAGER CERTIFICATION APPENDIX IMPORT JOB CONFIGURATIONS SCHEDULING ACCOUNT IMPORT ACCESS IMPORT SCHEDULE JOBS Saviynt Security Manager v AWS Setup Guide C About this Document The AWS setup Guide for Saviynt Security Manager SSM describe step by step process to setup AWS with Saviynt security manager The guide is intended for system administrators who can perform deployment and system con ?guration tasks and have a working knowledge of application servers databases task management processes and business process work ows This guide can also be downloaded from the application Navigate to the application by entering either of the URL mentioned below on your browser a https ECM or b https ECM Use the following credentials to login to the application and an initial random password which needs to be changed on ?rst login a userid ?? awsadmin b password ?? ss For ex if the ec instance private IP address is your password would be s s go to AWS Console and select the EC instance to see its private IP Address Please ensure your browser does not block downloads Saviynt Security Manager v AWS Setup Guide C Saviynt Stack Setup AWS Policies Roles and Instance using

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  • Publié le Fev 15, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 157.9kB