Beatbox guide r beatbox's List of Sound E ?ects -Name of Sound Kick Drum Click Hi-hat Outward Rimshot Tsch Snare snare Whistle Cheek Bass Humming Lip Oscillation Throat Bass Dry Kick Throat Kick Vocal Tap Electro Scratch Zede Scratch Classic Snare Chest B

r beatbox's List of Sound E ?ects -Name of Sound Kick Drum Click Hi-hat Outward Rimshot Tsch Snare snare Whistle Cheek Bass Humming Lip Oscillation Throat Bass Dry Kick Throat Kick Vocal Tap Electro Scratch Zede Scratch Classic Snare Chest Bass Tongue Bass Bongo Drum Balloon Squeak Cat Duck Sound Clown Horn Faith FX Pop Hollow Clop Inward Robot Voice KIM Squeak Outward Siren Robot FX Tongue Clop Trumpet Uvular Oscillation -Type of Sound Bass Drum Hi-hat Hi-hat Snare Snare Whistle Bass Bass Bass Bass Bass Drum Bass Drum FX Scratch Scratch Snare Bass Bass Bass Drum FX FX FX FX FX FX FX FX FX FX FX FX -Di ?culty to Learn Very Easy Very Easy Very Easy Very Easy Very Easy Very Easy Easy Easy Easy Easy Easy Easy Easy Easy Easy Easy Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate -Tutorial -Inward Outward https www youtube com Outward https www youtube com Outward https www youtube com Outward https www youtube com Outward https www youtube com Outward https www youtube com Inward Outward https www youtube com Outward https www youtube com Outward https www youtube com Outward https www youtube com Outward https www youtube com Outward https www youtube com Inward https www youtube com Outward https www youtube com Outward https www youtube com Outward https www youtube com Outward https www youtube com Outward https www youtube com Outward https www youtube com Inward https www youtube com Inward https www youtube com Outward https www youtube com Inward Outward https www youtube com Outward https www youtube com Outward https www youtube com Inward https www youtube com Outward https www youtube com Outward https www youtube com Outward https www youtube com Inward https www youtube com Outward https www youtube com Outward -Abbreviation B T K Tsch D U Pf P ? - C r beatbox's List of Sound E ?ects -Name of Sound -Type of Sound Water Drop FX Zipper FX Inward Tk's Hi-hat Tk's and Tf's Hi-hat Kick Roll Rolls Crab Scratch Scratch Vocal Scratch Scratch Whistle Scratch Scratch Double Snare Snare Inward K Snare Snare Inward Rimshot Snare Kenny Muhammed Snare Snare Whistle Snare Snare Sonic Boom Whistle Tooth Whistle Whistle Vocalised Whistle Whistle Inward Lip Roll Bass Inward Throat Bass Bass Lip Roll Bass UK Bass Bass Wob Wob Bass Bass Cricket Sound FX Inward Siren FX KIM Loud Sound FX Laser FX Sega Sound FX Click Roll Rolls Dry Kick Roll Rolls Inward Drag Rolls Inward Helicopter Roll Rolls Skiller Roll Rolls -Di ?culty to Learn Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Di ?cult Di ?cult Di ?cult Di ?cult Di ?cult Di ?cult Di ?cult Di ?cult Di ?cult Di ?cult Di ?cult Di ?cult Di ?cult Di ?cult Di ?cult -Tutorial -Inward Outward https www youtube com Outward https www youtube com Inward - Inward

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  • Publié le Sep 08, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 28.3kB