Resocially guide 1 Guide to Getting Started with ReSocially Dashboard The ??Dashboard ? shows you all of your retargeting campaigns that you have set up using ReSocially The dashboard allows you to quickly copy existing URLs you have set up as well as add

Guide to Getting Started with ReSocially Dashboard The ??Dashboard ? shows you all of your retargeting campaigns that you have set up using ReSocially The dashboard allows you to quickly copy existing URLs you have set up as well as add new or delete existing retargeting campaigns you have set up Retarget Engine Retargeting Audience Name This must be a unique audience name and it will be the extension to your cloaking domain For example if I select ??claimdealoptions com ? as my cloaking domain and my audience name is ??Pit Bull Tee ? then the ?nal retargeting URL will be ??claimdealoptions com tee ? Retargeting Destination URL This is the actual URL that you want to retarget For example if you are running a TeeSpring campaign you will put your TeeSpring campaign CURL into this text area Facebook Retargeting Pixel This is where you place your Facebook Pixel Code In order to get your Facebook Pixel Code either click on the ??Click Here to Get FB Pixel Code ? button from within the software or go to https www facebook com ads manage audiences php You can save your FB Retargeting Pixel under the ??Settings ? tab so that it will automatically display each time you create a new campaign Then click on ??Create Audience ? in the top right hand corner Then select ??Custom Audience ? from the drop-down menu as shown below A pop-up will appear CClick on ?? Website Tra ?c ? The following page will appear if it ? s your ?rst custom audience Click on ??Create Audience ? You will then be shown the screen below CFrom the ?? Website tra ?c ? drop-down menu select ??People who visit speci ?c web pages ? as shown above Click on the gear icon in the bottom left corner CSelect ?? View Pixel Code ? All you then have to do is copy and paste the numbers inside the inverted commas next to ??addPixelId ? into the software ? s ??Facebook Retargeting Pixel ? text area as shown below Once you have pasted the pixel code into the ??Facebook Retargeting Pixel ? text area in the software select your cloaking domain for more information on the cloaking domain scroll down and then click on ??Save ? once you have selected a cloaking domain When you click on ??Save ? you will be taken to the screen shown below CClick on the ??Copy URL ? button Now go back to your Facebook custom audience page as shown below Paste your retargeting URL you just copied from the software into the ??URL Contains ? text ?eld as shown above And then for the ??In the last ? option it is days by default I prefer to make it days This way you will be targeting anyone who visits your website for the next days The length of this should depend on the campaign you are running as well as your audience size Finally give your audience a name

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