User guide 25 ionCube Loader User Guide This document describes the available php ini con ?guration options of the ionCube Loader that relate to processing of PHP encoded ?les and also the ionCube service It also describes which encoded ?les can be run by

ionCube Loader User Guide This document describes the available php ini con ?guration options of the ionCube Loader that relate to processing of PHP encoded ?les and also the ionCube service It also describes which encoded ?les can be run by each ionCube Loader PERFORMANCE OF ENCODED FILES We recommend that the encoded paths feature see below is used with encoded ?les in order to maximise performance ENCODED FILES INI entry ioncube loader encodedpaths Purpose Specify the locations of encoded ?les The ionCube Loader will normally examine a PHP ?le before processing to test whether it is encoded and will run the ?le itself if necessary Although this checking is very e ?cient restricting which ?les the Loader tests for being encoded may give extra performance If set to a series of paths or ?les only ?les in those locations are tested Entries should be separated by a on Unix and on Windows A path may be pre ?xed with or to add or remove that path from the possible locations is assumed if no character is given Examples means ioncube loader encodedpaths q Site with a single encoded module in var www html modules RSS var www html modules RSS q As above with a site con ?guration ?le encoded too var www html modules RSS var www html con ?g con ?g php q Encoded ?les may be anywhere except for var www html framework - var www html framework q Site with most modules encoded except for one var www html modules - var www html modules plain q As above with an encoded con ?g ?le in the plain directory site modules - site modules plain site modules plain con ?g php CLocations The ioncube loader encodedpaths property can be set in a php ini ?le in a htaccess ?le when using Apache in a user ini ?le when using CGI PHP or using iniset within a PHP script In ini ?les only the last value will be used for the encodedpaths property If you wish to build up the value in several lines then for PHP you can use the following syntax ioncube loader encodedpaths path ioncube loader encodedpaths ioncube loader encodedpaths path etc LIMITATIONS OF LOADERS AND ENCODED FILES Encoded ?les can in general run on versions of PHP equal to or greater than the source language of the Encoder used to produce them So a ?le produced by the Encoder for PHP can be run by the Loaders for PHP and PHP This means that the Loaders are highly backwards compatible However there are the following limitations q The Loader for PHP can only run ?les produced by the Encoder for PHP included in the version Encoder q The Loader for PHP can only run ?les produced by the Encoder for PHP q The Loaders for PHP and PHP cannot run ?les produced by the PHP Encoder IONCUBE real-time intrusion protection and PHP error reporting Available for Linux and bit x servers ionCube

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  • Publié le Mar 12, 2021
  • Catégorie Law / Droit
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 44.8kB