xx guide te TO Guide Loading XXTE onto all of your venue setupsInsert the memory card and power on the game letting the data load as normal Go to VS Mode - Name Entry If it ? s your ?rst boot create the game data when asked XXTE is loaded You will be take

TO Guide Loading XXTE onto all of your venue setupsInsert the memory card and power on the game letting the data load as normal Go to VS Mode - Name Entry If it ? s your ?rst boot create the game data when asked XXTE is loaded You will be taken back to the title screen with ?? XX Tournament Edition ? written across the top of the screen It is now safe to remove the memory card Repeat this process with all of your setups If it ? s your ?rst time booting make sure to set all of your settings before loading it onto every console Changing Settings You can change settings by going to VS Mode - Tournament Melee which takes you to the XX menu Here is a brief explanation of what you will ?nd there Tournament Mode When enabled all aesthetics mechanics training features that come with XXTE are disabled so that they don ? t interfere with tournament sets Keep this enabled as long as tournament sets are being played on the setup When Tournament Mode is disabled the READY TO FIGHT banner on the character select screen will be greeninstead of yellow This tells you that the setup is NOTtournament-ready Widescreen Mode Enable this if the setup is on a widescreen LCD monitor Keep this o ? for CRT displays Neutral Spawn Points Ensures players always spawn in the tournament-accepted ??neutral start ? locations on the stage regardless of controller port v Behavior v of Melee has some slight mechanics di ?erences that give some characters a slight advantage including Samus Link Young Link Ness and Bowser These players usually prefer v Toggle Frozen Mode Enabling this will allow players to freeze stages by pressing Y on Stage Select This disables Shy Guys wind and stage transformations on their respective tournament stages NOTE A stage should only be played frozen if both players mutually agree upon it when selecting the stage Hold Start to Pause Prevents accidental pausing by requiring the player to hold Start for a short time to pause Lower Dream Land BGM Lowers the volume of the music on Dream Land to improve venue noise Locking Settings If you want to prevent your settings from being tampered during the tournament you can lock your settings by removing the memory card and then pressing the Reset button on the console This will disable access to the XX Menu until the console is powered o ? CPlayer Guide Welcome to XX Tournament Edition This is a short guide to some new features available to you Tournament Mode If the READY TO FIGHT banner is GREEN then your setup is not tournament-ready Go into VS Mode - Tournament Melee to go to the XX Menu and enable Tournament Mode You ? re now ready to play your tournament set Extended Name Entry Up to characters can be used recommended max Press X to toggle lowercase Stage Striking Strike stages right from the Stage

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