Example of mind control almost as sinister try advertisi
totse com Mind Control Page sur About Community Bad Ideas Drugs Ego Erotica Fringe Society Conspiracy Institutional Analysis The New World Order Black Helicopters Danny Casolaro and The Octopus Dead Kennedys Mena Arkansas Mind Control Oklahoma City Ruby Ridge Secret Societies The AIDS Conspiracy Waco Texas Technology bbs search rss faq about add to del icio us digg it Mind Control MKULTRA the CIA's brainwashing experiments are just one example of mind control Almost as sinister try advertising Senate Hearing on MKULTRA by U S Senate Perhaps most disturbing of all was the fact that the extent of experimentation on human subjects was unknown The records of all these activities were destroyed in January at the instruction of then CIA Director Richard Helms In spite of persistent inquiries by both the Health Subcommittee and the Intelligence Committee no additional records or information were forthcoming And no one -- no single individual -could be found who remembered the details not the Director of the CIA who ordered the documents destroyed not the o ?cial responsible for the program nor any of his associates Year Old Mind Control Victim What would you say if there is a FBI dossier opened on your name just because you listen to punk music Or just because your mother lives in Germany Or just because your grandfather used to make a practical joke on current political situation which upset regime th Century Brainwashing What's Hidden in Microsoft's Logo by Dr Lechnar Advertisements bombard every minute of our lives The advertising industry has penetrated into every aspect our this society When I wake up in the morning the ?rst thing I hear is my radio blaring out the latest ad for Sears or the Penn State Bookstore At night the last thing I see is the latest peroxide innovation on the toothpaste tube A Mind Control Letter to the President of the USA Let me introduce myself as the man who came to the USA in to seek a new life for my family from Canada as I was being persecuted both by management and the unions here because I said their methods were useless and had suggested alternatives I did not know the persecution was done by Mind Reading A Reason Why American's Did by Phlubylypert The idea being driven at herein is how Iowa Governor of Terry E Branstad calls upon Iowa's army reservists to spend time around southern California at precisely a timeliness when DEA special agents were conferring with me about respective hospitals utilizing mind-adulteration drugs for displacing individuals' unalienable Hot Topics Bush's Billions conspiracy theories-why bother How many cams The Miners are dead Free Masons The North American Union Using simulations to disprove theories Behold a Pale Horse Sponsored Links You wont ?nd porn here But you can plan your travel - Hotels and ights Absinthe Brewing Kits Learn how to make the taboo alcoholic drink at home -- Green Devil Absinthe GIRLS SEEKING SEX Find s Girls in your Area Just
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- Publié le Dec 12, 2021
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 71.8kB