Hawaii beverage guide 02 12

FEBRUARY Perfection has a darker side Introducing Patrón XO Cafe Dark Cocoa An extraordinary blend of Patrón tequila pure cocoa and the natural essence of the ?nest co ?ee simply perfect patronspirits com The perfect way to enjoy Patrón is responsibly ? The Patrón Spirits Company Las Vegas NV Alc Vol CONTENTS Volume I February I Issue No FEATURES riOJa ? S new CaLLing Card Rioja ? s Reservas and Gran Reservas are emerging as the region ? s fastestgrowing wines BeyOnd THe CHOCOLaTe MarTini Brands spotlight America ? s chocolate love a ?air with a host of infused spirits and wines SPeaKeaSy wiTH MiKe KeyeS Brown- Forman ? s North American President sits down to discuss a host of industry topics DEPARTMENTS Behind The Bar by David Kratt Tapping The Trade by Liane Fu A- Spirit Perspective by robert Plotkin A- Spiritscope by Duncan Cameron PRICE LIST A- O ?cial Price List Section A- Brand index A- industry directory A- The Beverage network Crossword HOW CAN WE HELP YOU Subscriptions To subscribe or receive help with an existing subscription or change your address please call us Phone - NEW FAX NUMBER - e-mail Publisher hawaiibevguide com SMaLL iS BeauTiFuL What small stores lack in size they make up for in service and selectivity TaSTing COrner MOre THan MaLBeC Argentina looks to Torrontés Bonarda and beyond Bar TaLK THinK drinK TOO Owen Thomson is the barman for Chef José Andrés ? ThinkFoodGroup ? s restaurants ? THe Find ? wineBuZZ ? THe COnneCTiOn ? SeaSOnS Menu ? new PrOduCTS PrOMOTiOnS ? uSBg LaST CaLL JUST A SCAN AWAY hawaiibevguide com ? SUBSCRIBE ONLINE ? up load Trade events Photos ? advertising editorial Planner ? around Hawaii Photos ? DOWNLOAD THE FEBRUARY BEVERAGE NETWORK CROSSWORD PUZZLE Crosswordpuzzle This month features clues about Chocolate Flavored Spirits Whirls Disavows Rowing tool Bud Tie with a rope Indian clans Music type Sunrise Farm building Prate Highs Rend Baby eating appaFrerlench Painter ??Sunday Chocolate Long time SAwefetteRrend Woionen ? ? What you do to gRumegions Pincer Old woman Lint Leaks False god gra venOimfaglae te African river Sti ?en Whirls Dekaliter a b br Disavows Dumbfounds Chocolate Liq ueuBr ud Tie Housed temporarily Higher-ranking with a rope In the direction Divided nation oMf usic type Island country Farm building Refuse Liberal abbr Prate Rend Ending African antelope www CrosswordWeaver com Moray Drunk Baby eating apparel Chocolate Sweet AAcCroRsOsSS Dirty areas U S Air Force Fellow Element Corporate top dog R epIsrlaendsien nMatalaytive Chinese cabbage Archipelago wds C olWleogefuel head STyhprDeedoir f tpyawrdtanse r rsehaips Inclining Representative S taGmropunCindhsogcotlaoteoMlilk U S Air Force South American country College head Marvel Stamping tool GDloowwinng CBCoaaaSTnntamydlhnoepratcaemkel edo f pwardtns e r shGAFeliltoepewr ing A lteSrhort-term memory F eeLegume SElteoSclitrCoichuoligcthohtlatA mVoedkraica n cNSeiogahwutetniemdterylight Rowing tool N igIhndtiatnimclaens light TTiiemMre paerriovdes l Lone Tacked wds S eaSHwuignhersisee d WoBmeona ? stmdagoazcinke Prejudice CuCt opaenn al name Cabbage salad Zag ? s partner Canal Lone French Painter ??Sunday Afternoon ? ? T

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