Haz guide 1 Hazardous Materials Guide for First Responders Federal Emergency Management Agency United States Fire Administration CHow to Use this Guide If you know the Chemical Material Name Go to the Speci ?c Material Guides è locate the chemical in the
Hazardous Materials Guide for First Responders Federal Emergency Management Agency United States Fire Administration CHow to Use this Guide If you know the Chemical Material Name Go to the Speci ?c Material Guides è locate the chemical in the alphabetical listing If you are unable to locate the chemical in the Speci ?c Material Guide è Go the Alphabetical Material Name Index è locate the chemical in the alphabetical listing è go to the page listed for guidance information If the chemical is not found in the index go to the HAZMAT General Response Scheme If you have only the UN Number for the Chemical Material Go to the UN NA Number Index è locate the UN NA number in the numerical listing è go to the page listed for guidance information If material UN number is not found in the index go to the HAZMAT General Response Scheme If you have only NFPA Placard Information Go to the guidance information for using the NFPA Placard If you have only DOT Placard information Go the HAZMAT General Response Scheme WARNING The best time to learn how to use this book is BEFORE you need it Train with this book the way you would train with any new piece of equipment - in advance CHazardous Materials Guide for First Responders The information in this book was collected from a variety of sources which were reviewed by the Fire ?ghters ? Safety Study Technical Committee and are believed to be accurate However the Federal Emergency Management Agency makes no claim that these data and recommendations are either correct or su ?cient and assumes no liability for any adverse consequences arising from their use The action recommendations in this book should be considered as suggestions only Speci ?c circumstances at the scene of an incident as well as the number and training of ?rst responders will dictate what actions are actually appropriate Final decisions are the responsibility of the Incident Commander CAcknowledgments This document was prepared under a Cooperative Agreement EMW- -K- between the Federal Emergency Management Agency United States Fire Administration and the University of Louisville The data was assembled and formatted by an active Writing Committee with direction and oversight by the Fire ?ghters ? Safety Study Project Committee Technical content was also reviewed under a separate contract EMW- - with Louisiana State University Writing Committee George C Rodgers Jr Editor Medical Director Kentucky Regional Poison Center Nancy J Matyunas Associate Editor Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Toxicology University of Louisville Clark Bledsoe Assistant Director Je ?erson County Kentucky Planning and Environmental Management Steve Burton Assistant Chief Fire EMS Hazmat Rohm and Haas Co Louisville Kentucky Plant Gary M Hart President Paragon Enterprises Inc Louisville Kentucky Thomas L Coomes II Environmental Health Coordinator HazMat Response Ret Louisville Je ?erson County Kentucky Brad Learn Medical Training Coordinator City of Louisville Kentucky Division of Fire Health Department A J ??Bud ? Fekete Deputy Chief Louisville Kentucky Fire Department Ret Coordinator of Technical
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- Publié le Jan 22, 2021
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 2.7MB