Linguistic Society of America A Systematic Tabulation of Indo-European Animal Names With Special Reference to Their Etymology and Semasiology Author s Eugene Gottlieb Reviewed work s Source Language Vol No Language Dissertation No A Systematic Tabulation
Linguistic Society of America A Systematic Tabulation of Indo-European Animal Names With Special Reference to Their Etymology and Semasiology Author s Eugene Gottlieb Reviewed work s Source Language Vol No Language Dissertation No A Systematic Tabulation of IndoEuropean Animal Names With Special Reference to Their Etymology and Semasiology Sep pp - Published by Linguistic Society of America Stable URL http www jstor org stable Accessed Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms Conditions of Use available at http www jstor org page info about policies terms jsp JSTOR is a not-for-pro ?t service that helps scholars researchers and students discover use and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship For more information about JSTOR please contact support jstor org Linguistic Society of America is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize preserve and extend access to Language http www jstor org CABBREVIATIONSAND SYMBOLS Abbreviationsand symbolsused in this work areas follows Aeol Aeolic Alb Albanian Aram Aramaic Arm Armenian Ass Assyrian Att Attic Av Avestan Baltosl Balto-Slavic Bg Bulgarian Celt Celtic Chin Chinese Corn Cornish Cymr Cymric Cz Czech D Dutch Dan Danish Dor Doric E English Finn Finnish Fr French Gc Germanic Gk Greek G German Goth Gothic Hebr Hebrew Hom Homeric Hung Hungarian Icel Icelandic IE Indo-European Ion Ionic Ir Irish It Italian L Latin Lett Lettish LG Low German Lith Lithuanian Magy Magyar Hungarian ME Middle English MIr Middle Irish MLat Middle Latin MLG Middle Low German NP New Persian OCS Old Church Slavonic OE Old English OF Old French OHG OIr OLG ON OPr OS Old High German Old Irish Old Low German Old Norse Old Prussian Old Saxon Pol Polish R Russian Roum - Roumanian Serv Servian Skr Sanskrit Slav Slavic Slov - Slovak Sp - Spanish Sum Sumerian Swed Swedish Thrac Thracian Turk Turkish UG Upper German Ukr Ukrainian Umb Umbrian C LANGUAGE DISSERTATION NO I asterisk - a b b a b c ? ? gr non-existing reconstructedform a becomesb or a is cognateto b b derivedfroma or b is cognate to a a before b becomes c zero grade CINTRODUCTION Purpose The purposeof my investigationis theanalysisof certain IE animalnameswith specialreferenceto their root determinantsand their semasiology Range The IE animal names treatedin this work are some of those domestic farm and common non-domesticanimalswith which the Indo-Europeanws ere bestacquaintedfromearliesthistoricaltimes The better an animalspeciesis known the betterit is domesticated the more it is utilized the more varied its nomenclaturewill be since more of its qualitiesand characteristicasre knownupon which its nomenclatureis based For instance the swine the ?rst animal speciesdealt with in this work receivedits IE names becauseof a greatnumberof physicalcharacteristicsb iologicalfunctions activities and modes of utilizationpeculiarto this animal Under nomina propria I classi ?edthose IE animal names to which no de ?nite semasiology could be attached That however does not meanthat furtheretymologicalinvestigationwill not or cannot succeedin ?nding a satisfactorysemasiologicalconnection for the nomina propriaas
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- Publié le Nov 18, 2022
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 210.2kB