Apa guide 5 AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION APA FORMAT th Edition by Amy D ? Andrade Revised This crib sheet is a guide to the APA style It is not intended to replace the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association th edition Only sele
AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION APA FORMAT th Edition by Amy D ? Andrade Revised This crib sheet is a guide to the APA style It is not intended to replace the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association th edition Only selected citations were chosen for inclusion here For other examples see the printed Manual Use this only as a reference REFERENCES AND CITATIONS Some general rules for APA reference pages ? Begin the reference list on a new page The page begins with the word References Reference if there is only one centered in the top middle of the page using both upper and lower case bold typeface If the references take up more than one page do not re-type the word References on sequential pages simply continue your list ? References cited in text must appear in the reference list conversely each entry in the reference list must be cited in text ? The ?rst line of the reference is ush left Lines thereafter are indented as a group ?ve or so spaces to create a hanging indention ? The reference list is double-spaced ? Arrange entries in alphabetical order ? Give the year the work was published in parentheses If no date is available write n d ? Use italics for titles of books newspapers magazines and journals ? Capitalize the ?rst word of the title of the article or book and the ?rst word following a colon Also capitalize all proper nouns including names of instruments or agencies that appear in the title ? Always use an ampersand before the last author in the reference page Do not use and ? Use one space after all punctuation Citations in Text To refer to an item from the list of references in the text an author-date method should be used That is use the surname of the author without su ?xes and the year of the publication in the text at appropriate points Unless you are quoting page numbers are not used One author In a recent study Isaac found that Many social workers su ?er from anxiety Isaac Two or more authors When a work has two authors always cite both names every time the reference occurs Smith and James found that drug use Adolescent drug use occurs more frequently in rural areas than in suburban areas Smith James Multiple authors For works with three four or ?ve authors cite all authors the ?rst time the reference occurs In subsequent citations include only the last name of the ?rst author followed by et al not italicized and followed by a period If the work has six or more authors cite only the surname of the ?rst author followed by et al Gilbert Terrell and Specht have stated Social policies in the United States do not provide equity for marginalized populations Gilbert Terrell Specht US social policies are driven by dominant class interest groups Gilbert et al Typically when citing more than two authors in text use the
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- Publié le Oct 08, 2021
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