Engineering guide 2 ENGINEERED COMPOSITE PIPING SYSTEMS The FIBERBOND Engineering Guide MARCH www ?berbond com www exelisinc com CTABLE OF CONTENTS FIBERBOND I Introduction II Series Descriptions III Supporting FIBERBOND Piping Systems IV Calculating Expa

ENGINEERED COMPOSITE PIPING SYSTEMS The FIBERBOND Engineering Guide MARCH www ?berbond com www exelisinc com CTABLE OF CONTENTS FIBERBOND I Introduction II Series Descriptions III Supporting FIBERBOND Piping Systems IV Calculating Expansion V Controlling Expansion VI Hydraulics VII Other Design Considerations VIII Physical and Mechanical Properties IX Appendix I References X Appendix II Governing Equations What is FRP FRP was originally an abbreviation for Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic As additional ?ber reinforcements were introduced the term has been expanded to refer to Fiber Reinforced Plastic You may also hear of terms such as GRP glass reinforced plastic RTP reinforced thermosetting plastic and RTRP reinforced thermosetting resin pipe Even more speci ?c there is GRE glass reinforced epoxy GRVE glass reinforced vinyl ester and GRUP glass reinforced unsaturated polyester The list of terms seems to go on and on What these terms do have in common is that they refer to a reinforced plastic with a thermosetting resin as the matrix Unlike thermoplastics such as PVC CPVC PE etc thermosetting resins are infusible and insoluble when fully cured and thus provide better mechanical properties Combined with the reinforcing ?bers FRP has an excellent strength-to-weight ratio while maintaining very good corrosion resistance to a wide range of media Page MARCH EDITION CINTRODUCTION FIBERBOND Fiberglass and Advanced Composite Piping Systems are economical choices for use in corrosive uid transport The FIBERBOND product is an alternative to stainless steels copper-nickel and other reinforced and non-reinforced plastics and alloys FIBERBOND can be used in environments at temperatures up to F C and pressures up to psig barg The information contained in this Engineering Guide is the ?rst step towards designing the optimum FIBERBOND Piping System FIBERBOND FRP Piping Systems All FIBERBOND Piping Series use a glass- ?ber reinforcement bound in a resin matrix Together the glass- ?bers provide strength and the resin matrix provides superior corrosion resistance FIBERBOND Fiberglass Piping Series are ?lament wound products with a winding angle of This is the principal axis of loading for internal pressure FIBERBOND Series HV FR-E JF C FR FR and FW all utilize this winding pattern FIBERBOND MultiAngle Pipe The FIBERBOND MultiAngle Pipe goes one step further by incorporating advanced technology in the ?lament winding process Instead of winding at the traditional degree pattern MultiAngle pipe is wound at multiple angles through the use of advanced -axis technology These additional winding angles are incorporated into the pipe so that other loading conditions such FIBERBOND as end loads bending loads and collapsing pressure are taken into account By doing so a superior system can be designed with less material at a lower cost Using the FIBERBOND Engineering Guide The purpose of ??The FIBERBOND Engineering Guide ? is to help the customer select the proper support spacing guide spacing and anchoring for an above ground piping system Other methods to deal with the exibility of the system such as expansion loops are also evaluated In addition ??The FIBERBOND Engineering Guide ? will also allow the customer to approximate head

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