Arnavut dil tarihine kuramsal bir yaklasim pdf

ARNAVUT D L TAR H NE KURAMSAL B R YAKLA IM A Theorical Approach to Albanian Language History ? zet Arnavutça Hint-Avrupa dil ailesinin kendine müstakil kollar ndan biridir Yap sal ? zellikleri bak m ndan günümüzde ya ayan birçok Hint-Avrupa dili ile benzerlik g? stermesine ra men ne yak n bir akrabas na ne de tam k? kenine ula labilmektedir K? keni kesin bir kan tla sabitlenmemi olsa da ara t rmac lar n ço unlu u Arnavutçan n liryal lar n kulland dilin zaman içerisinde evrim geçirmi hali oldu u kan s ndad r Arnavutçan n dil tarihi ve k? keni ile ilgili ara t rmalar n XVIII yüzy lda ba lad g? rülmektedir Hint-Avrupa dil ailesindeki yeri ise XIX yüzy lda kabul edilmi tir lk yaz l belgeleri XV yüzy lda ba layan Arnavutçan n bu tarihten ? ncesi karanl kt r Bu nedenle genel kan n n d nda ara t rmac lar taraf ndan Arnavut toplumunun ve dolay s yla Arnavut dilinin k? keni hakk nda farkl kuramlar da ortaya at lm t r ? zetle Arnavutçan n k? ken problemi tarihi sebeplerden ve yaz l belgelerin eksikli inden kaynaklanmaktad r lir toplumundan geldi i kabul edilen Arnavutlar n tarihinde antik ça dan orta ça a kadar büyük bo luklar bulunmaktad r Dolay s yla Arnavut tarihi birçok halkas kaybolmu parçalanm bir s ra gibi kar m za ç kmaktad r ncelememiz Arnavutçan n dil tarihi üzerine çal m ara t rmac lar ve üretilen kuramlar ba lam nda günümüzdeki yerinin tespitine y? nelik olacakt r Anahtar Kelimeler Arnavut lir Dil ve Tarih Abstract Albanian language is one of unique language in Indo-European language family In terms of structural features although it does not resemble many of the Indo-European languages that lived today neither close relatives nor their origin can be reached Although the origin is not ?xed with certainty the majority of researchers believe that Albanian language is the language used by Illyrians which has evolved over time The research of the Albanian language history and its origin seems to have begun on XVIII century The place of the Indo-Europian language family was accepted in the XIX century Albanian language history is dark before XV century that were beginning the ?rst written dokuments For this reason apart from its general conviction di ?erent theories about the root of the Albanian society and therefore the Albanian language have been raised by the researchers In summary the Albanian origin problem is due to historical reasons and lack of written documents Albanians who are considered to be from the Illyr community have huge gaps in their history from ancient times to the middle ages Therefore many peoples of Albanian history have disappeared like a disorganized row Our investigation will be directed towards the identi ?cation of the present place in the context of researchers and produced theories on Albanian language history Keywords Albanian Illyr Language and History Bu makale Tolga D LL O LU ? nun yay

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