Asa style guide 4ta edicion
FOURTH EDITION AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIAnON C CAmerican Sociological Association Fourth Edition CCopyright ? by the American Sociological Association All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical including photocopying recording or by any information stor age or retrieval systems without permission in writing from the publisher Cite as American Sociological Association American Sociologi cal Association Style Guide th ed Washington DC American Sociological Association For information American Sociological Association K Street NW Suite Washington DC - x E-mail publications asanet org ISBN - - - - Library of Congress Control Number Che American Sociological Association ASA found ed in is a nonpro ?t membership association dedicated to serving sociologists in their work advancing sociology as a scienti ?c discipline and profession and promoting the contributions and use of sociology to society As the national organization for more than sociologists the ASA is well positioned to provide a unique set of bene ?ts to its members and to promote the vitality viability and diversity of the discipline Working at the national and international levels the Association aims to articulate policy and implement programs likely to have the broadest possible impact for sociology now and in the future Publications ASA publications are key to the Association's commitment to scholarly exchange and wide dissemination of socio logical knowledge ASA publications include journals described below substantive academic teaching and career publications and directories including the Directory ofMembers and the annual Guide to Graduate Departments ofSociology The ASA has in place policies and procedures to guide the publications program of the Association The Guidelinesfor the ASA Publications Portfolio approved by the ASA Coun cil in articulates a vision for the publications program and sets forth criteria for the periodic review of ASA jour nals and the establishment of new journals A Committee on Publications provides advice and guidance to the ASA Council on the publications program of the Association The o ?cial journal of the ASA is the American Sociological Review ASR published bimonthly ASR publishes original works of exceptional quality from all areas of sociology iii CContemporary Sociology CS also bimonthly publishes reviews and critical discussions of recent works of sociology and in related disciplines that merit the attention of sociolo gists The Association also publishes six quarterly journals Social Psychology Quarterly SPQ formerly Sociometry publishes theoretical and empirical papers on the link between the indi vidual and society The journal of Health and Social Behavior JHSB publishes sociological analyses of problems of human health and welfare Sociology ofEducation SOE is devoted to studies of education as a social institution Teaching Sociol ogy TS publishes research on the teaching of sociology and presents innovative teaching ideas and strategies Sociological heory ST reports on recent developments in all areas of sociological theory Contexts a journal in magazine format aims to share sociological research with a broad public Sociological Methodology SM published annually in hard cover format contains articles
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- Publié le Mar 21, 2022
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 270kB