Awakening guide Introduction Awakening skills are powerful abilities that are unlocked through certain quest lines in the game These class de ?ning skills have a Cooldown of minutes and require special shards to be used in combat Don't miss out on unleash
Introduction Awakening skills are powerful abilities that are unlocked through certain quest lines in the game These class de ?ning skills have a Cooldown of minutes and require special shards to be used in combat Don't miss out on unleashing the most badass looking skills in Lost Ark and learn how to unlock them down below st Awakening Quest Level skill Reach level and enter North Vern follow the Main Story Quest to Vern Castle until you're asked to unlock the Chaos Dungeon After this point Beatrice will notify you to visit her in Trixion Do so by using the Song of Trixion found in your Sheet Music F and accept her Adventure Quest Completing it will reward the ?nal level skill and the Awakening Skill of your class Check your mailbox after completing the tasks and consume the items to unlock the skills The starting quest location for each subclass begins in Warrior - East Luterra Martial Artist - Anikka Gunner - Arthetine Mage - East Luterra Assassin - North Vern Chaos Shards Unlocking your Awakening skill is not enough you need a speci ?c currency to be able to use it Each use consumes Chaos Shard these can be bought for Silver at General Merchants found in all major cities in the game These shards are tradable between players if you run out of them in a dungeon ask your friends to share some or purchase them in the Auction House nd Awakening Quest CAfter completing the Main Story Quest of Rohendel you gain access to the nd Awakening Quest line This quest can be initiated in Rothun near the mailbox with Mail Carrier Sentos Accept the Journey Strange Mail quest and head out for an epic - hour adventure This quest will take you all across Arkesia we'll guide you to all locations you need to visit ahead of time The Route You start in Rohendel Pickup the quest and complete it until you're asked to go to Shushire Take the Ocean Liner to Shushire here you will obtain the Song of Reminiscence right click it from your inventory and continue the quest Go to Icewing Heights and enter the Maze of Mirrors dungeon complete it by killing the Maze Gatekeeper then teleport out Continue the quest Go to Lake of Eternity and enter Vrad's Hideout dungeon play the Song of Reminiscence at the marked quest location CContinue the quest Enter the Sea of Gienah and sail to the Information Dealer Garnell's Ship above Illusion Isle Proceed north-east to Kalthertz island Play the Song of Reminiscence at the marked quest location when asked Leave Kalthertz sail to North Vern and follow the quest line here The quest step Journey Faceless Saviour requires you to go to the Raid Board select Raid Level Vertus and enter it uncheck Harvest Guardian Soul if you haven't completed your daily raids yet Play the Song of Reminiscence near the Setup Area in the marked location and then leave by playing the
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- Publié le Jan 07, 2023
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 32.7kB