Bar exam guide The Uno ?cial Incomprehensive Guide to Studying for the Bar Congrats on ?nishing law school L year many of us attended a session where Ls and Ls talked about preparing for exams Some of the advice was probably helpful and at a minimum we go
The Uno ?cial Incomprehensive Guide to Studying for the Bar Congrats on ?nishing law school L year many of us attended a session where Ls and Ls talked about preparing for exams Some of the advice was probably helpful and at a minimum we got a better idea of what to expect When I was about to start studying for the biggest exam of my legal career however I had no clue what I was going to be doing over the next couple of months and most graduating Ls were similarly uncertain Now that I ? ve survived the bar exam I ?gured it would be useful to put together a guide to help demystify the bar preparation process I solicited and compiled thoughts and advice from friends to make this guide In parentheses after each comment is the state in which the commenter took the bar You ? ll notice that many of the comments contradict each other illustrating that there is no ??correct ? approach to preparing for the bar I ? m sure this won ? t answer all of your questions and the views presented here re ect the experiences of about ?fteen people so you ? d be ill-advised to rely too heavily on them particularly for questions with few responses but I hope it is helpful Good luck - Emily Disclaimer ?? we know lawyers-to-be are a litigious bunch so to be clear I make no promises about anything ?? this is simply to give you some insight into the range of experiences that people had while studying for the bar What are the di ?erent sections of the bar exam The sections vary from state to state but some common themes ? State essay questions You read a hypothetical and answer questions about it In New York the questions typically provide some guidance regarding what you should be discussing For example they may ask ??Did person A commit X crime ? or ?? Was the court correct in dismissing person B ? s motion ? In New Jersey the questions are more open-ended saying something along the lines of ?? What causes of action does person C have and what defenses might person D have ? Other states may have di ?erent formats ? Multistate Performance Test MPT ?? You get a case ?le some fake cases and laws and instructions to complete a task which is often drafting a memo or brief but might be something less familiar like drafting a will or a contract Even if it is something you ? ve never done before that ? s not a problem ?? they tell you what you need to do Basically the MPT requires you to follow instructions analyze law and apply law to fact You ? ve been preparing for this for the past three years in lawyering internships clinics etc ? Multistate Bar Exam MBE ?? multiple choice questions covering contracts torts constitutional law criminal law evidence and real
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- Publié le Fev 07, 2022
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 77.6kB