Bat guide BATS Compiled by Alyson Brokaw Cornell University What traits characterize bats Credit Bill Forbes Bats are MAMMALS o Have fur give birth to poorly developed young that nurse from breasts only one o ?spring a year o World ? s only true ying mamm
BATS Compiled by Alyson Brokaw Cornell University What traits characterize bats Credit Bill Forbes Bats are MAMMALS o Have fur give birth to poorly developed young that nurse from breasts only one o ?spring a year o World ? s only true ying mammal as opposed to gliders such as ying squirrels ? Long lived - years in wild - years in captivity ? More closely related to primates and lemurs than to mice or other rodents Wing Morphology ? Their scienti ?c name ??Chiroptera ? translates to ??hand wing ? ? Thumb like claw can be used to climb crawl and groom ? Have sporadic and swooping ight ? Bird wings provide better lift but hand pattern allows for better maneuverability in ight o Research on the mechanics of bat ight http micro uids engin brown edu research bat ight html Body Morphology ? Knees are turned around degrees compared to humans ? Specialized tendons in feet that lock in place allow bats to hang upside without expending large amounts of energy o Why upside down Wings poorly designed for lift from ground dropping from above easier and faster to escape predators Where are bats found Bats are found all over the world ? Every continent except Antarctica Two Classi ?cations of Bats ? Microchiroptera and Megachiroptera Credit Brett Whitesell http www bbfarmstay com au wildlife ying fox html CMegachiroptera Mega-bats ? Tropical Old World bat species Africa Asia Australia ? Large wingspans and bodies ? Fox like faces long nose large eyes small ears ? Feed primarily on fruit owers and nectar Microchiroptera Micro-bats ? Found worldwide ? Smaller bodies and wingspans ? Diverse and distinct facial features ? Small eyes large ears ? Feed primarily on insects broad and diverse diet Photo by Gareth Jones http www geneticarchaeology com r esearch Molecularevolutionis echoe o Resource for identifying bats Bats of the World Golden Guide Gary L Graham Habits and Habitats of North American Bats ? Nocturnal hunt breed active at night sleep during the day ? Colonies associate in large groups emerge at dusk to go feed ? Sleep upside down ? Very large colonies of millions of Mexican Free Tailed Bats Bracken Cave Texas ? Many bats are solitary sleep in foliage under bark www batsanctuary org Bats over the Seasons ? Hibernaculums location where bats hibernate in large colonies same place every year ? Some bats migrate to warm areas and then return to same roost to breed have young ? Spring form nursery colonies ? Large groups of adult females with young mothers can distinguish their own babies among hundreds by smell and sound and will only feed their own young Hunting and Echolocation Primarily Insectivores ? Over of all bat species eat insects can eat up to insects bat a night ? Only three species of vampire bats for an overview of vampire bats see http kids nationalgeographic com kids animals creaturefeature vampire-bat ? Other bats eat nectar fruit pollen ?sh and even
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- Publié le Dec 03, 2022
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