Beamer guide Beamer v Guide Beamer v Guide Ki-Joo Kim a k a Daisyweb November CBeamer v Guide Why Beamer Why Beamer Pros Both dvips ps pdf and pd atex supports Rich overlay and transition e ?ects Navigational bars and symbols Outputs screen transparency h

Beamer v Guide Beamer v Guide Ki-Joo Kim a k a Daisyweb November CBeamer v Guide Why Beamer Why Beamer Pros Both dvips ps pdf and pd atex supports Rich overlay and transition e ?ects Navigational bars and symbols Outputs screen transparency handouts and notes Emulation of other PDF presentation tools such as Prosper and FoilTEX Cons Dif ?cult to design a template You need this route if you use PSTricks No dvipdfm support CBeamer v Guide Beamer Structure Basic Code Basic Code I Beamer class loading with themes documentclass slidestop compress mathserif beamer usepackage bars beamerthemetree Beamer theme v usetheme Antibes Beamer theme v usecolortheme lily Beamer color theme CBeamer v Guide Beamer Structure Basic Code Basic Code I Beamer class loading with themes documentclass slidestop compress mathserif beamer usepackage bars beamerthemetree Beamer theme v usetheme Antibes Beamer theme v usecolortheme lily Beamer color theme Cover title title author institute begin document begin frame Cover slide titlepage end frame Instead you can use frame titlepage Beamer v macro CBeamer v Guide Beamer Structure Basic Code Basic Code II Main slide frame section Introduction subsection History begin frame options frametitle History slide contents end frame Bookmark information Bookmark information With v macro frame options frametitle History slide contents CBeamer v Guide Beamer Structure Five Themes Five Themes The main di ?erence between v and v is Beamer themes Five theme categories Presentation Themes ?? Slide template Color Themes ?? Color scheme for slide template Font Themes Inner Themes Outer Themes Example documentclass slidestop compress mathserif beamer usepackage bars beamerthemetree Beamer theme v usetheme Antibes Beamer theme v usecolortheme lily Beamer color theme Go to Themes for more information CBeamer v Guide Beamer Structure Beamer Options for Layout Beamer Options for Layout slidestop puts frame titles on the top left corner default slidescentered compress makes all navigation bars as small as possible default uncompressed red changes navigation bars and titles to reddish color blue Default color scheme red Used in this presentation brown blackandwhite Good for transparencies CBeamer v Guide Beamer Structure Beamer Options for Output Beamer Options for Output Default PDF screen size mm ? mm handout for PDF handouts trans for PDF transparency ?? For handout and trans you need some extra work to enlarge the size Click here to see an example notes hide show only for notes Hide notes default add notes to the PDF screen or notes only PDF Monitor ? s aspect ratio CBeamer v Guide Beamer Structure Additional Beamer Options Additional Beamer Options hyperref bookmarks false removes bookmarks cjk for CJK typesetting ?? For hangul use hfont package usepackage utf inputenc for Unicode CFrame Options frame plain frametitle for plane frame style as used in this slide containsverbatim for using verbatim environment and verb command allowframebreaks for automatic split of frames if the contents do not ?t in a single slide shrink for shrinking the contents to ?t in a single slide squeeze for squeezing vertical space CBeamer v Guide Beamer Structure Transparency E

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