Bently user guide GE Energy User ? s Guide Bently Nevada Technical Support Portal www bntechsupport com CTable of Contents Section Page Overview Registration Logging In Key Features Online Case Management Access to Product Manuals and Software Firmware Do

GE Energy User ? s Guide Bently Nevada Technical Support Portal www bntechsupport com CTable of Contents Section Page Overview Registration Logging In Key Features Online Case Management Access to Product Manuals and Software Firmware Downloads Answer Cards Computer-Based Training CBT Links Summary - TSA Portal User ? s Guide - COverview GE ? s Bently Nevada Asset Condition Monitoring Technical Support Portal is a comprehensive website intended for customers with a Technical Support Agreement TSA The portal provides technical information answers and resources for your Bently Nevada hardware and software products To access the site you must register for a GE Single Sign On SSO account Your SSO account will usually be activated within hours of your registration request Once you ? re a registered user you ? ll have a wealth of Bently Nevada product support resources at your ?ngertips For immediate help you can search our Answer Card library We have over Answer Cards for your reference and more are added daily If you can ? t ?nd your answer through self-help you can log a case with our team of experts Not only does this give you a Technical Support Case Number to facilitate the real-time tracking of your case it enables you to start a case history that you can reference at a later date You can also explore your online service knowledge repository and request copies of your site service reports You can even download computer-based training CBT modules for your purchased products The features that you can access in the TSA portal are based on your speci ?c TSA level There are three levels of TSAs Silver Gold and Platinum and the level that pertains to you is a function of the product s you have purchased the elapsed time since delivery of your product s and whether you have renewed your TSA at the complimentary Silver level or at a higher level o ?ering more support Customers at all TSA levels are provided with online case management viewing of new product information and downloading of product manuals and ?rmware updates Customers with Gold- or Platinum-level TSAs have access to additional features such as software upgrades system deployment repository factory test data reports online CBTs and Technical Support usage reports and audits Platinum-level TSA customers have exclusive bene ?ts including ?eld service report histories remote troubleshooting of software products high speed access required and disaster recovery assistance in the event of a hard disk crash or other computer failure Whether you hold a Silver- Gold- or Platinum- level TSA our Technical Support Portal is an extremely powerful resource designed to deliver tailored support capabilities and information Please register today at www bntechsupport com to unlock the full potential of this valuable resource It is available to every customer of our Bently Nevada Asset Condition Monitoring products TSA Portal User ? s Guide - CRegistration To initiate the registration process open your web browser and navigate to the following address www bntechsupport com You

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