Transgender guide TRANS A Brief Guide Brethren Mennonite Council for LGBT Interests PO Box Minneapolis MN bmclgbt org Fonts Vollkorn body Raleway headings Satisfy cover and title page Illustration on cover and p by Lisa Bade Content and design by Hayley B

TRANS A Brief Guide Brethren Mennonite Council for LGBT Interests PO Box Minneapolis MN bmclgbt org Fonts Vollkorn body Raleway headings Satisfy cover and title page Illustration on cover and p by Lisa Bade Content and design by Hayley Brooks CONTENTS introduction Purpose and Intent Consulted Works de ?ning a common language Terms and De ?nitions Pronouns Gender Neutral Language O ?ensive and Hurtful Vocabulary di ?erences between gender identity and sexuality Basic Di ?erences Spectrums Gender Expression Gender Variance or Non-conformity common questions Common Questions Common Misconceptions narratives What do trans people face Mennonite Brethren Narratives support and response Congregations and Communities Parents Friends Family resources notes introduction Purpose and Intent This short guide is intended for Mennonite and Brethren communities seeking education and understanding about transgender realities This booklet will introduce important terms and concepts statistics about what transgender people face in the current social climate in the United States and Canada and address some of the misconceptions and dominant narratives about transgender identities and people This guide is designed for those with little understanding or context about transgender people but may have interest in becoming an ally to trans people This guide will also look at the di ?erences between gender identity and sexual orientation and the ways that dominant culture has con ated the two Also included are a few personal narratives of transgender people in Mennonite and Brethren communities to contextualize the experience of trans people in these faith communities Several other ??trans ? guides were consulted for the purpose of creating this booklet Part of recognizing and including some of the content of other guides is to recognize the multiplicity and complexity of transgender realities Consulted Works Sylvia Rivera Law Project ??Trans ? Tranarchism ??Not Your Mom ? s Trans ? Southern Arizona Gender Alliance ??Gender Identity A Transgender Primer ? Institute for Welcoming Resources TransAction Everyday Feminism Transfeminist Perspectives I AM Trans People Speak ??Trans ? UUA Transgender Julia Serano ??Transgender ? Intersex Society of North America TransWhat Website and Glossary Our Trans Loved Ones PFLAG The Transgender Child A Handbook for Families and Professionals Trans Bodies Trans Selves A Resource for the Transgender Community Be sure to look at the comprehensive list of resources at the back of this booklet for more information de ?ning a common language Terms and De ?nitions Below is a list of terms and their de ?nitions that are relevant to learning about and understanding transgender identities This is not a comprehensive list and may not re ect all current de ?nitions of each term For a more comprehensive de ?nition of each of the terms as well as other relevant terms visit BMC ? s website and download the Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Terms at bmclgbt org general-resources agender A gender identity in which a person does not identify with gender at all androgyne A non-binary gender identity that is neither male nor female androgynous Displaying characteristics of both or neither of the two culturally

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