Call for papers journal of the cameroon history society no 1 2022 ok

JOURNAL OF THE CAMEROON HISTORY SOCIETY JCHS REVUE DE LA SOCIÉTÉ CAMEROUNAISE D ? HISTOIRE RSCH ISSN - JCHS No RSCH No APPEL A CONTRIBUTIONS CALL FOR PAPERS La RSCH vous invite à soumettre des articles scienti ?ques originaux ou de synthèse d ? histoire pour son premier numéro qui para? tra en octobre décembre La RSCH est une revue semestrielle à comité scienti ?que et à comité de lecture de la Société Camerounaise d Histoire Elle a pour objectif de promouvoir la recherche en histoire à travers la di ?usion des savoirs dans ce domaine La RSCH publie des articles originaux ou de synthèse ayant trait à l ? histoire en français ou en anglais Pour les auteurs membres de la Société Camerounaise d ? Histoire les frais d ? instruction des articles sont de dix mille francs CFA et ceux d ? insertion sont de vingt-cinq mille francs CFA Pour les auteurs non membres de la Société Camerounaise d ? Histoire les frais d ? instruction des articles sont de quinze mille francs CFA et ceux d ? insertion sont de trente-cinq mille francs CFA Date limite de soumission des manuscrits juillet The JCHS invites you to submit articles for its maiden issue to be published in December The JCHS is a bi-annual publication of the Cameroon History Society It has a scienti ?c board and an editorial board This journal aims at promoting research in history through the dissemination of knowledge in this ?eld The JCHS publishes history articles in French or in English Members of the Cameroon History Society authors of articles submitted to the journal shall pay CFAF ten thousand for the review of their articles In case of acceptation of their articles they shall pay CFAF twenty ?ve thousand for publication fees Non-members of the Cameroon History Society authors of articles submitted to the journal shall pay CFAF ?fteen thousand for the review of their articles In case of acceptation of their articles they shall pay CFAF thirty ?ve thousand for publication fees Deadline for submission of manuscripts July CNOTES TO CONTRIBUTORS INSTRUCTIONS AUX AUTEURS The Journal of the Cameroon History Society is a bi-annual publication The opinions of the contributors are their own and not necessarily those of the Cameroon History Society Papers submitted for consideration must meet the following requirements Submissions must a be the original work of the author b not be under consideration for publication elsewhere c not have been published before even in part in print or electronically Please try to keep the length of articles to words with maximum words given to each book review - all inclusive of footnotes bibliography and sources They should be typed one and half-spaced and in Times New Roman Margins should be cm on all sides Indent the ?rst line of paragraphs using the Tab key The full name address current status institutional a ?liation e-mail address and phone number of the author s should appear on the title page Submission of

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