Cannabis cultivation guide

The Ultimate Cannabis Indoor Cultivation and Usage Guide CIndex Introductions Are In Order ?? p Chapter ?? The Truth About Marijuana ?? p Chapter ?? Botanical Basics ?? p Chapter ?? The Growing Sanctuary ?? p Chapter ?? From Seed to Weed ?? p Chapter ?? The Fruits of Your Labor ?? p A Fond Farewell ?? p This information is made available without copyright or pro ?t to encourage distribution for the bene ?t of humanity Please share it freely Before the introduction here is a little food-for-thought for any cannabis skeptics ?? those who have heard the prohibitionist lies long enough to actually believe them ? Page CIntroductions Are In Order Maybe you or a loved one is in need of medicine ? maybe you enjoy sharing good grass with friends on occasion ? maybe you believe in freedom and don ? t want draconian laws telling you what plants you can or cannot grow ? for whatever reason you want to grow marijuana So you start looking for information about this and ?nd yourself inundated with books videos blogs forums and more telling you everything under the sun about growing The problem is that there is just so much information most of which is unnecessary con icting or questionable at best Wouldn ? t it be nice if you had a very knowledgeable friend tell you exactly what you need to know Well you ? re in luck I have a few decades worth of cannabis experience and I ? m going to help you Why Because I appreciate the help others have given me and I believe in passing it on But my motivation is also much broader as a young person I was in uenced by hippy culture in a very positive way Today I have a great appreciation for the hippy rejection of racism materialism corporate government greed environmental destruction and war as well as the hippy promotion of peace love and weed These three things have the potential to dramatically improve our world My hope is that teaching others to grow and use weed will help them to better utilize all three as catalysts for change to make the world a better place Now you may be thinking That ? s all well and good but what is it that makes this old hippie ? s guide the ??ultimate ? The answer is that it achieves ?ve very speci ?c goals for growing weed Grow as safely as possible ?? avoid persecution from unjust laws Grow as easily as possible ?? avoid spending excessive time Grow as cheaply as possible ?? avoid spending excessive money Grow as high quality as possible ?? avoid disappointment Grow as compassionately as possible ?? avoid negativity There are certainly many other good ways to grow cannabis besides what I outline here But few achieve all the same goals This guide is an excellent foundation of concise and reliable information for the indoor non-commercial grower It provides a

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