Ccbriefing guide 1 Climate Change Brie ?ng CCover image National Assembly for Wales Rogers Stirk Harbour Partners Debating chamber natural ventilation funnel with mirrored re ector Sustainable strategies and renewable energy systems were implemented throu

Climate Change Brie ?ng CCover image National Assembly for Wales Rogers Stirk Harbour Partners Debating chamber natural ventilation funnel with mirrored re ector Sustainable strategies and renewable energy systems were implemented throughout the building Photo Richard Bryant Arcaid co uk CAbout this Document This is the ?rst of six components of Climate Change Tools a package of guidance developed by the RIBA to encourage architects to engage with the issue of climate change and to deliver low-carbon new buildings and low-carbon refurbishment of existing buildings This Climate Change Brie ?ng sets the scene the other elements of this package of guidance are A Carbon Literacy Brie ?ng about the carbon dioxide emissions associated with energy use in buildings Principles of Low Carbon Design and Refurbishment Low Carbon Standards and Assessment Methods Low Carbon Design Tools Low Carbon Skills and Training Each guide summarises its subject and provides links to other sources of more detailed information CIntroduction Climate change brought about by man-made emissions of greenhouse gases has been identi ?ed as the greatest challenge facing human society at the beginning of the twenty ?rst century The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC has suggested that human society could eventually be reduced to a few isolated groups eking out an existence near the poles Even though this scenario may seem implausible we must all consider the potential consequences of not taking action to mitigate the risk ? We are currently in a twilight war against climate change we have identi ?ed the enemy we are marshalling our forces and we are skirmishing But within years we will be in all out war against climate change and it will in uence everything we do ? Colin Challen MP Chair ?? All Party Parliamentary Climate Change Group Every individual every industry and every profession will have a part to play in meeting the challenge Each person in the UK is responsible for around tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions per year Stabilising global greenhouse gas GHG emissions at a sustainable level would involve reducing UK GHG emissions to two tonnes per person per year This brie ?ng Explains the basic mechanisms and likely e ?ects of climate change Summarises international and UK GHG emissions reductions targets Explains the contribution of buildings to the UK ? s national GHG emissions and the e ?ect of growth and replacement rates Sets out the RIBA ? s key climate change policies and its expectations of members for the buildings that they design and specify The Mechanisms of Climate Change The Greenhouse E ?ect The complex mechanisms of climate change involve the balance of carbon in the atmosphere in the oceans and in all living things The main mechanism is the greenhouse e ?ect by which levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere a ?ect the heat balance of the earth The process is summarised in Figure Of the radiation from the sun arriving at the earth approximately is re ected by the atmosphere or by

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