Chicagostyle guide CHICAGO STYLE GUIDE th edition Explanation of the Chicago reference system The easiest way to create notes Use Microsoft Word ? s ??Insert Reference ? function to add a superscripted number in the text where you need to acknowledge the

CHICAGO STYLE GUIDE th edition Explanation of the Chicago reference system The easiest way to create notes Use Microsoft Word ? s ??Insert Reference ? function to add a superscripted number in the text where you need to acknowledge the work of another author Word automatically numbers your notes sequentially re-numbering them if you add or delete any Do not manually type or change numbers These are the basic models for placement of note numbers in the text The reference usually appears at the end of your sentence You can put it in mid-sentence but only if it would be misleading at the end The reference follows punctuation Examples are ??words in quotations ? words in parentheses commas semi-colons and periods However put the note number before a dash ??not after it Word automatically places a corresponding footnote at the bottom of the page or endnote following the text and any appendixes The ?rst time you cite a source you must give a complete citation Subsequent notes for the same source are shorter as shown in the tables below Use this basic order for notes author title publication details date page number s The bibliography appears at the end of your paper and includes all the works cited in the notes with exceptions noted in the tables below Use this basic order for a bibliographic entry author title publication details date Use hanging indentation as shown in the tables below using Word ? s ??Format Paragraph ? Alphabetize the bibliography by author ? s family name Family name always comes ?rst regardless of the custom in the author ? s country Do not number the bibliography or divide it into sections books articles websites etc How to use this guide The tables below Print References and Electronic References show how to cite di ?erent works Find the type of work you want to cite in the left-hand column The right-hand column shows a full citation for the ?rst note N the short form S for subsequent citations of the same work and the bibliographic form B Note on ibid When you cite the same work in direct sequence you may use ??ibid ? although the short form is also ?ne ??Ibid ? is an abbreviation of the Latin ibidem meaning ??in the same place ? If all of the reference information is identical just the word ??ibid ? is used If the page number is di ?erent ??ibid ? and the page number are needed ??Ibid ? is not italicized In the following example note cites the same source as note but a di ?erent page note cites the same source and page as note Oxford Essential World Atlas Oxford UK Oxford University Press Ibid Ibid Create an entry in the bibliography for each work you cite using the bibliographic form B Some electronic references do not require a bibliographic entry these are noted in the table below CType of Entry Print References N Note Form ?rst citation S Short

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