Coffee break french season 3 lesson 1
Co ?ee Break French Season Lesson Radio Lingua Ltd www radiolingua com CIntroduction Season context Lesson Notes Text Katie Text Alf Text Veronica Review of key points Co ?ee Break French Lesson page CIntroduction Welcome to Season of Co ?ee Break French This season is aimed at intermediate learners who have already completed seasons and of our course The lessons of Season will continue to present the French language in an engaging way allowing learners to develop their con ?dence in the vocabulary expressions and structures of French through examples written by native speakers These lesson notes accompany the audio lessons and focus on the language presented in both the ? public ? version of the audio episode and the version for members SEASON CONTEXT The lessons of Season will focus on a series of texts written by our characters Katie Alf and Veronica three students who are attending an eight-week French course in a language school in Nice in the south of France The characters have been asked by their teacher Mme Soulabaille to keep a diary of their experiences These texts will be used as the basis of the learning material for the majority of this season Katie Katie is a young American student from Vermont who is travelling around Europe and is currently spending some time in Nice It ? s the ?rst time Katie has been away from home but she is enjoying her travels and taking advantage of every opportunity to experience new cultures and languages Alf Alf is a retired teacher from England who is renovating a house which he and his wife have bought near Nice Alf ? s wife will join him in France towards the end of his course He learned French at school but is a bit rusty so is taking the chance to improve his language skills by attending the class in Nice Veronica Veronica is an Australian business woman who runs property development websites She is looking for a house on the Riviera on behalf of one of her clients Co ?ee Break French Lesson page CLesson Notes In this lesson we are introduced to the three characters with the ?rst part of their ?rst text We ? ve provided the transcript of each paragraph of the texts below followed by language notes and vocabulary TEXT KATIE Bonjour tout le monde Je m'appelle Katie et je suis étudiante américaine Je passe deux mois ici à Nice o? je fais un cours de français dans une école de langues J'apprends le français depuis deux ans et j'espère améliorer mon français ici je passe deux mois ici à Nice Note the use of the verb passer to mean ??to spend time ? In English ??to pass the time ? tends to suggest that you have nothing else to do However passer du temps in French means simply ??to spend time ? eg j ? ai passé le week-end à Dublin ??I spent the weekend in Dublin ? un cours de
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Sep 13, 2021
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 38kB