Consumer guide doe Energy Utilization Management Bureau Energy Research and Testing Laboratory Services Consumer Welfare and Promotion O ?ce DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Energy Center Fort Bonifacio Taguig Metro Manila Trunkline - to You may also text in your sug

Energy Utilization Management Bureau Energy Research and Testing Laboratory Services Consumer Welfare and Promotion O ?ce DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Energy Center Fort Bonifacio Taguig Metro Manila Trunkline - to You may also text in your suggestions comments queries and complaints Just type DOE and then send to for Globe and Smart subscribers only Check our website at www doe gov ph CFOREWORD The Consumer Guide is an informative booklet that provides useful information on the energy ratings of room air conditioners refrigerators compact uorescent lamps uorescent lamp ballast and passenger vehicles It comes in a handy manual format that will help the public choose the appropriate and e ?cient product suitable to their needs It provides an overview of the Philippine Energy E ?ciency and Labeling Program for Household Appliances and Lighting Products as well as the results of the Fuel Economy Run Program for Vehicles Helpful tips are also included which present bits of information and easy-to-follow instructions to save energy The objective of eliminating the least e ?cient household appliances and lighting systems in the local market is now more attainable with the release of this Consumer Guide At the same time manufacturers are now more encouraged to improve their product e ?ciency thus become more competitive in both local and world markets This Consumer Guide will strengthen the current information education and communication program of the Department of Energy It will also serve as an important tool toward consumer empowerment TABLE OF CONTENTS PART Philippine Energy E ?ciency and Labeling Program for Household Appliances and Lighting Products Introduction Program Objectives Room Air Conditioner Aircon The Energy Label Guide List of Certi ?ed Window-type Room Air Conditioners List of Certi ?ed Split-type Room Air Conditioners How to Choose the Right Size of Aircon Energy Saving Tips Refrigerator Ref The Energy Label Guide List of Certi ?ed Refrigerators Energy Saving Tips CCompact Fluorescent Lamp CFL The Energy Label Guide Basic Facts Comparative Light Output E ?cacy and Operating Hours Incandescent Bulb IB and Compact Fluorescent Lamps CFLs Savings Chart - Quality CFL vs Quality Incandescent Bulb Page List of PNS -Compliant Com- pact Fluorescent Lamps CFLs Energy Saving Tips Fluorescent Lamp Ballast The Energy Label Guide Standard Classi ?cation of Ballast Power Loss List of PNS - Compliant Tubular Fluorescent Lamp Ballast PART Fuel Economy Run DOE Fuel Economy Run Toward Vehicle E ?ciency and Smart Consumer Choice Results of the DOE Fuel Economy Run Asian Utility Vehicle November Passenger Car April Passenger Jeepney July Passenger and Light Duty Vehicle February Fuel Economy Run in Metro Cebu April Fuel Economy Run in Southern Mindanao September Tips in Buying a Fuel-E ?cient Vehicle Tips in Travel Planning Tips on E ?cient Driving Habits Tips on Keeping Your Car in Shape CPhilippine Energy E ?ciency Standards and Labeling Program for Household Appliances and Lighting Products INTRODUCTION The Energy E ?ciency Standards and Labeling Program for household appliances and lighting products is a governmentprivate sector initiative It is being implemented jointly by

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