Conversion guide the power to protect Ground Fault Protection Ungrounded Systems to High Resistance Grounding Conversion Guide www i-gard com CABOUT I-Gard Our company I-Gard Inc formerly known as IPC Resistors Inc is growing from a resistor only company

the power to protect Ground Fault Protection Ungrounded Systems to High Resistance Grounding Conversion Guide www i-gard com CABOUT I-Gard Our company I-Gard Inc formerly known as IPC Resistors Inc is growing from a resistor only company and to one that fully incorporates our ground fault protection line into the company The ground fault protection product line has provided an exciting vehicle for growth and the new name I-Gard better re ects our technical and application focus At the same time we understand that our success in partnering in the global market achieved over the last years has been built on designing and manufacturing high quality power resistors to meet our customer ? s speci ?c needs and that will not change We look forward to being your technical partner in the future for all of your power resistor and ground fault requirements CTABLE OF CONTENTS SUBJECT PAGE Power System Grounding What Is Grounding What Is A Grounded System Are There Di ?erent Types Of System Grounding What Is The Purpose Of System Grounding What Is A Ground Fault Why Are Ground Faults A Concern Ungrounded Systems What Is An Ungrounded System What Does IEEE Say About Ungrounded Systems Resistance Grounded Systems Why Consider Grounding Your System What Is A Resistance Grounded System What Is A Low Resistance Grounded System What Is A High Resistance Grounded System High Resistance Grounding Why Consider High Resistance Grounding Why Limit The Current Through Resistance Grounding What Are The Requirements For Sizing The Resistor Measuring The System Capacitive Charging Current Rule Of Thumb For System Charging Current Is There Any Performance Downside To Applying A A Resistor To A System That May Only Have A Of Charging Current What Is The Probability That A V Industrial System Kva Would Require More Than A A Resistor What Are The Necessary Steps to Upgrade My System - I-Gard - The Leader in Ground Fault Protection C POWER SYSTEM GROUNDING WHAT IS GROUNDING The term grounding is commonly used in the electrical industry to mean both ??equipment grounding ? and ??system grounding ? ??Equipment grounding ? encompasses three things a the bonding of all non-current carrying conductive parts of the electrical system together b the connection of the equipment bonding system via a bonding conductor to the power system neutral to provide a low impedance return path for ground fault current and c the connection of the equipment bonding system to earth ground via a grounding conductor and grounding electrode System grounding refers to the connection of the power system neutral to earth ground via a grounding conductor and grounding electrode The bonding conductors carry ground fault current Grounding conductors do not carry ground fault current Figure illustrates the two types of grounding FIGURE WHAT IS A GROUNDED SYSTEM ARE THERE DIFFERENT TYPES OF SYSTEM GROUNDING WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF SYSTEM GROUNDING Grounded System ?? a system with at least one conductor or point usually the middle wire or neutral point of transformer or generator windings

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