Fungicide guide Fungicide Guide By Allyn Hane ??The Lawn Care Nut ? and Matt Martin Flowery writing opinion and stories Allyn Hane The Lawn Care Nut Technical Truth and Knowledge Matt Martin T he Grass Factor www thelawncarenut com ? Allyn Hane - The Lawn

Fungicide Guide By Allyn Hane ??The Lawn Care Nut ? and Matt Martin Flowery writing opinion and stories Allyn Hane The Lawn Care Nut Technical Truth and Knowledge Matt Martin T he Grass Factor www thelawncarenut com ? Allyn Hane - The Lawn Care Nut www thelawncarenut com CFungicides - they are in the top of topics questions I get asked here at LCN-HQ Interestingly enough after years at TruGreen-ChemLawn I don ? t know much about them Let me tell you a story In the late s and early s at TruGreen in Chicago we didn ? t often apply fungicides to lawns at least not for money Don ? t get me wrong in many cases they were needed Our quick release synthetic nitrogen fertilizer applications - - was a common analysis lbs lbN coupled with rushing yet intermittent early summer heat and humidity in late May and June were often lynch pins to the disease triangle thus releasing the scourge Dollar spot and to a lesser extent brown patch were evident most seasons If red thread was bad in spring of a year and turf scars persisted as they often did - lawns looked freckled and weak No one likes pink yellow or tan pock marks on their double dark KBG Nightmares So what would we do Not much For those who complained we ? d go out on a service call diagnose tell the customer to ??wait it out ? and ??mow tall catch the clippings irrigate only in the morning ? The idea was just keep to the basics of good cultural practice and let the lawn power through For the most part this was ?ne The thing about it is though it was probably us contributing to a lot of the fungal activity in the ?rst place because of all the super high dosed quick release nitrogen we applied every weeks Page ? Allyn Hane - The Lawn Care Nut w ww thelawncarenut com CDidn ? t matter really though our customers mostly knew what to expect from us and that was a weed free lawn We were good at killing weeds Not so good at much else Limitations in creativity with big-box lawn care and all that anyway For the extreme cases where someone was really making a stink about the early summer dollar spot in the -year-old sodded lawn in White Hawk in Crown Point IN ? for THOSE people I did keep a special tank mix in the back of my favorite F- B anner Maxx One heavy-handed squirt today with a half rate followup days later and dollar spot and every other brown spot would be vanished like magic Especially if I dosed the lawn simultaneously with a shot of Starter Fert and we got some rain with lightning we ? d be clear of the uglies inside of days I was a rubber-gloved magician It ? s a good thing service calls were free and my overall chemical cost

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