Cz 40p CZ P - INSTRUCTION MANUAL Before handling the pistol read this manual carefully and observe the following safety instructions Improper and careless handling of the pistol could result in unintentional discharge and could cause injury death or damag

CZ P - INSTRUCTION MANUAL Before handling the pistol read this manual carefully and observe the following safety instructions Improper and careless handling of the pistol could result in unintentional discharge and could cause injury death or damage to property The same consequences can be caused by unauthorized modi ?cations or adjustments corrosion or use of non-standard or damaged ammunition In these cases the manufacturer shall not be responsible in any manner whatsoever for the resultant consequences Before leaving the factory this pistol was tested carefully inspected and packed CZ cannot accept responsibility for product handling while in transit or upon leaving the factory Therefore please examine this pistol carefully at the time of purchase to ensure that it is unloaded and undamaged This instruction manual should always accompany this pistol and that even in the case of the loan or sale of this pistol CONTENTS SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS PISTOL DESCRIPTION AND TERMINOLOGY Safety Features OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Ammunition Removal of the Magazine Magazine Loading Pistol Loading Hammer Decocking Unloading the Pistol Sight Adjustment Special Accessories Attachment MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS Stripping for Cleaning - Disassembly Magazine Disassembly Cleaning the Pistol Cleaning the Barrel Bore and the Cartridge Chamber Cleaning of Other Pistol Parts Preserving TROUBLESHOOTING CAUSES AND REMEDIES ILLUSTRATION AND LIST OF PARTS TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS CCZ P - INSTRUCTION MANUAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Always follow the safety instructions for your safety and the safety of others Always handle your pistol as if it were loaded Never point your pistol at anything you do not intend to shoot Never take anyone's word that a gun is unloaded Always make sure that your pistol is not loaded before laying it down or handing it to another person Always keep and carry your pistol empty with the hammer forward except when you intend to shoot Never abuse your pistol by using it for any purpose other than shooting Never leave the pistol cocked and ready to ?re unattended Before loading your pistol be sure that the barrel bore chamber and action are clean and clear of obstructions After shooting clean the dirtied pistol as soon as possible Always use only clean dry original high quality commercially manufactured ammunition which is appropriate to the caliber of your pistol Never drink alcoholic beverages or take drugs before or during shooting Always wear safety glasses and ear protection when shooting Always keep clear and keep others clear of the ejection port Never squeeze the trigger or put your ?nger in the trigger guard until you are aiming at a target and ready to shoot Always be absolutely sure of your target and the area behind it before you squeeze the trigger A bullet could travel through or past your target up to several hundred meters Never shoot at a hard surface such as rock or a liquid surface such as water Never ?re your pistol near an animal unless it is trained to accept the noise Never indulge in horseplay while holding your pistol Failure to ?re In case no

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