Op 7 user guide OrgPlus User Guide Release The material presented in this publication is copyright-protected ? - by HumanConcepts and may not be reproduced in any form by any method for any purpose without the prior written consent of HumanConcepts Inform

OrgPlus User Guide Release The material presented in this publication is copyright-protected ? - by HumanConcepts and may not be reproduced in any form by any method for any purpose without the prior written consent of HumanConcepts Information in this document is subject to change without notice It is against the law to copy the software except in accordance with the terms of the licensing agreement OrgPlus is a registered trademark of HumanConcepts All other trademarks acknowledged COrgPlus User Guide ii COrgPlus User Guide Program License Agreement PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING DESKTOP SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT AGREEMENT CAREFULLY THIS AGREEMENT FORMS A LEGALLY BINDING AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY THAT DOWNLOADED OR INSTALLED THE SOFTWARE CUSTOMER AND HUMANCONCEPTS LLC HUMANCONCEPTS BY CLICKING THE I ACCEPT THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE BUTTON DURING SOFTWARE INSTALLATION OR BY USING THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED WITH THIS AGREEMENT YOU ACCEPT AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT YOU SHOULD NOT INSTALL OR USE THE SOFTWARE AND YOU SHOULD PROMPTLY DESTROY ALL COPIES OF THE SOFTWARE THAT YOU DOWNLOADED OR COPIED Grant of License Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement HumanConcepts grants to Customer a non-exclusive license to install the object code version of the software provided with this Agreement the Software on a single computer and to use the Software on that computer to create organizational charts relating to your organization Customer agrees that it shall not use the Software in any other manner Customer shall not install the Software on a network server allow any other computer terminal or device to access or use the Software or install or use the Software concurrently on more than one computer except as expressly authorized by the level of license you purchased Customer shall not copy the Software except to make one copy for backup purposes Customer shall not sublicense its rights under this Agreement rent or lease the Software or give anyone else access to the Software Maximum Number of Employees Charted Depends Upon License Key Customer acknowledges that HumanConcepts distributes several versions of the Software and that the version of the Software to which Customer has acquired a license key is intended to allow Customer to access certain features The OrgPlus Express Software limits the number of boxes that can be added to a single chart The OrgPlus Professional Software is limited to charting the maximum number of employees indicated in HumanConcepts ? price list at the time you purchased the applicable license key Customer agrees not to use the OrgPlus Professional Software to chart more than the total maximum number of employees applicable to the particular license key you purchased Customer agrees that if it uses the OrgPlus Professional Software to chart more than such total maximum number of employees a Customer will pay to HumanConcepts it ? s then-current license fee for the version of the Software that would permit Customer to

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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise