Practical guide sweden practical Guide for international students at BTH Dear Student We are very pleased that you have chosen Blekinge Institute of Technology BTH Sweden for your studies abroad We hope that you will ?nd your time here enjoyable and rewar

practical Guide for international students at BTH Dear Student We are very pleased that you have chosen Blekinge Institute of Technology BTH Sweden for your studies abroad We hope that you will ?nd your time here enjoyable and rewarding both for your studies and for your personal well-being and growth In order to give you a brief presentation of Sweden and studies at BTH we have created this practical guide for new arriving international students This guide contains general and speci ?c information that we hope will be useful to you both while preparing for your trip to Sweden and during your stay at BTH We look forward to meeting you and wish you a pleasant stay in Sweden Welcome to BTH one of Sweden's most interesting and beautiful places for higher education Best regards Blekinge Institute of Technology http www bth se eng about BTH C o nt en ts BTH on the ranking lists INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENT Facts about Sweden Education in Sweden Good to know about Sweden National festivities Travel to BTH Arrival information Right of residence residence permit TUITION FEE PAYMENT INFORMATION national registration Bank account Work while studying STUDENT HEALTH INSURANCE PROPERTY INSURANCE HOME INSURANCE Student health service at campus Academic information Regulations for examinations Student accommodation in Blekinge Checklist for you as new student of BTH Whom to contact The students ? point of view Glossary about BTH Our vision Blekinge Institute of Technology is a globally attractive knowledge community within applied IT and innovation for sustainable growth Blekinge Institute of Technology BTH is the most distinctly pro ?led institute in Sweden thanks to its strong emphasis on applied information technology IT and sustainable development in industry and society At BTH the humanities social sciences management and health sciences are all integrated into an applied IT pro ?le that enables technology and the humanities to develop in exciting new directions The institute was established in and is located in the county of Blekinge in south-east Sweden BTH is one of three independent institutes of technology in Sweden and in it was granted university status in technology Among a large number of programmes and courses taught in Swedish BTH o ?ers two undergraduate programmes and about Master ? s programmes in English BTH has extensive experience of international collaboration and has exchange agreements with more than centres of learning from all over the world In addition to the large number of nationalities represented at faculty level foreign students from all over the world give our institute a truly international environment BTH consists of ?ve di ?erent schools divided between two campuses Karlskrona and Karlshamn School of Engineering School of Computing School of Health Science School of Management School of Planning and Media Design All programmes o ?ered in English are located at the campus in Karlskrona In accordance with our emphasis on sustainability Blekinge Institute of Technology became climate neutral in September This signi ?es not contributing to the global climate problem BTH will as quickly

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