Ecosoc background guide 1 VYMUN UNITED IN DIVERSITY DRREEAALMITOR Y THE UNITED NATIONS ECONOMICS AND SOCIAL COUNCIL Your guide to ECOSOC Committee CWELCOME LETTER Welcome delegates to the ECOSOC Committee of VYMUN This year ? s committee takes into consid
VYMUN UNITED IN DIVERSITY DRREEAALMITOR Y THE UNITED NATIONS ECONOMICS AND SOCIAL COUNCIL Your guide to ECOSOC Committee CWELCOME LETTER Welcome delegates to the ECOSOC Committee of VYMUN This year ? s committee takes into consideration two of the most pressing issues on the international stage informal settlements and drug control The ?rst topic of this year's committee focuses on the question of securing socio-economic and cultural rights for population groups that are currently living in di ?erent forms of informal settlements According to UN- Habitat by more than two-thirds of the world population will be living in urban areas cities As the in ux of people into urban areas increases the capacity of these areas to provide urban dwellers with basic necessities such as housing basic sanitation water nutrition education is diminished Therefore the number of slum dwellers and those living in other forms of informal settlements has not only increased but those living in informal settlements are also stripped of basic human rights This topic is therefore of high importance to stabilizing the socio-economic situation both regionally and internationally The second topic takes international drug control mechanisms into consideration Even though past treaties programs and bureaucracies have achieved commendable results in the combat against illicit drug manufacture distribution and trade both on the regional and international level the global ?ght against drugs has shown signs of regressions into stagnancy To exacerbate the situation illicit drug trade has been increasingly utilized by terrorist and extremist groups as a means of ?nancing their operations making drugs a malady not only to public health but also international peace and security We welcome you to this year's conference hoping that all delegates will garner extensive knowledge and experience of not only Model United Nations the United Nations itself but also of current a ?airs that are pertinent to the wellbeing of citizens all over the globe CCHAIR INTRODUCTION Hello delegates I am Vu Son Tung and I have just ?nished my freshman year at Vassar College with intended majors of International Studies and Economics Having been involved in Model UN since I have had experiences both as a delegate and as a committee chair VYMUN however is the ?rst conference in which I have the chance to prepare the background guide for delegates directly engaging myself with the materials and the topics being discussed I welcome you to VYMUN - ECOSOC Committee and I hope that you all will have an intellectually engaging and fun experience with our committee Hi My name is Nguyen Tien Thanh and I just ?nished my senior year at Hanoi - Amsterdam High School specializing in English My background in MUN is perhaps among the humblest here Having gone to conferences and chaired at I still feel challenged by the prospect of acting as a co-chair at VYMUN With speci ?c regard to this conference after learning about VYMUN a few days too late and wistfully looking on as VYMUN passed by since I was abroad at
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- Publié le Jui 26, 2021
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 101.5kB