Field guide ryan mccallum BHS PUBLICATIONS FIELD GUIDE RYAN MCCALLUM PHOTOGRAPHY C ??These snapshots are their little stands against the ow of time The shutter is clicked the ash goes o ? and they've stopped time if just for the blink of an eye And if the
BHS PUBLICATIONS FIELD GUIDE RYAN MCCALLUM PHOTOGRAPHY C ??These snapshots are their little stands against the ow of time The shutter is clicked the ash goes o ? and they've stopped time if just for the blink of an eye And if these pictures have anything important to say to future generations it's this 'I was here I existed I was young I was happy and someone cared enough about me in this world to take my picture' -Sy the Photo Guy One Hour Photo Photo by Melisa Miller ? Cover by Allie Houfer ? C INTRODUCTION You are the eyes of the school Whether you are taking pictures for the newspaper or the yearbook you have become the eyes of the school A photographer decides what gets remembered about a person event or place You allow people to experience things they ? ve never seen and remember moments that will inspire memories You control a part of history In order to live up to this role you should learn how to take the best pictures possible This guide is designed to help you understand the world of photography from the technical aspects of cameras and the fundamental rules of picture composition to technical aspects involved in digital editing While reporters and writers work on chronicling events that can help provide a glance into an event photographers provide a living history of the school A yearbook full of great stories and a newspaper full of important issues will go unread and unnoticed Photographs add importance impact and emotion to to any publication Photography allows us in a sense own what we do not You decide what people remember and what will be forgotten You can ? t capture every moment so make what you do capture amazing Photography is a means of recording forever the things one sees for a moment -Aaron Sussman CINTRODUCTION Melisa Miller ? C BEFORE YOU GO You only get one chance Good pictures don ? t happen unless the photographer is prepared Every assignment you will go on will involve several important factors that will dictate which camera settings are appropriate If you don ? t anticipate these factors in advance you may return with an ugly shot of a beautiful moment or miss important events as you rethink the camera ? s settings Factors to consider Setting Will you be shooting indoors or outdoors Will the light source be mostly arti ?cial If it ? s indoors how large will the area be and how far away will the source of light be Be sure to scout out your location in order to take your pictures from the best location Time If your event is outdoors in in natural light try to take most of your pictures during the brightest times When daylight starts getting sparse be sure to show up to events while it is still light if you can Certain shutter speeds become useless when it begins to darken Light Adjust the
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- Publié le Jan 05, 2021
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 72.1kB