Free cooling guide Free cooling guide COOLING INTEGRATION IN LOWENERGY HOUSES CTable of contents Introduction to the concept of free cooling The need for cooling in low-energy houses Comfort and energy ef ?ciency ?? the best ?t for low-energy houses Inves

Free cooling guide COOLING INTEGRATION IN LOWENERGY HOUSES CTable of contents Introduction to the concept of free cooling The need for cooling in low-energy houses Comfort and energy ef ?ciency ?? the best ?t for low-energy houses Investing for the future ?? the design of a low-energy house Cooling loads in residential buildings Factors in uencing the sensible cooling load Factors in uencing the latent cooling load The e ?ect of shading Room variation Duration of the cooling load Required cooling capacity The ISO guidelines Optimal temperature conditions Draught rate Radiant asymmetry Surface temperatures Vertical air temperature di ?erence Capacity and limitations of radiant emitter systems Heat ux density Thermal transfer coef ?cient Dew point limitations Theoretical capacities of embedded radiant cooling Ground heat exchangers Ground conditions Ground heat exchangers Ground temperature pro ?le Primary supply temperatures Dimensioning of ground heat exchangers for free cooling Free cooling in combination with di ?erent heat sources Choosing and dimensioning the radiant emitter system Capacity of di ?erent radiant emitter systems Radiant oor constructions and capacity Radiant ceiling constructions and capacity Capacity diagrams Regulation and control The self-regulating e ?ect in under oor heating Functional description of Uponor Control System Component overview Uponor Pump and exchanger group EPG for ground sourced free cooling Dimensions Pump diagram Control principle Installation examples Operation of Uponor Climate Controller C- Operation mode of Uponor Climate Controller C- Dew point management parameters and settings Heating and cooling change-over external signal Heating and cooling change- over Uponor Climate Controller C- UPONOR FREE COOLING GUIDE C Introduction to the concept of free cooling Free cooling is a term generally used when low external temperatures are used for cooling purposes in buildings This guide presents a free cooling concept based on a ground coupled heat exchanger combined with a radiant heating and cooling system A ground coupled heat exchanger can for example be horizontal collectors vertical boreholes or energy cages A radiant system means that the oors ceilings or walls have embedded pipes in which water is circulated for heating and cooling of the building Under oor heating and cooling is the most well know example of a radiant system A radiant system combined with a ground coupled heat exchanger is highly energy ef ?cient and has several advantages In the summer period the ground coupled heat exchanger provides cooling temperatures that are UPONOR FREE COOLING GUIDE lower compared to the outside air The radiant system operates with large surfaces which means it can utilize the temperatures from the ground directly for cooling purposes The result is that free cooling can be provided with only cost being the electricity required for running the circulation pumps in the brine and water systems No heat pump is required In the heating season the system is operated using a heat pump As the ground temperature during winter is higher compared to the outside air temperature the result is improved heat pump ef ?ciency COP compared to an air based heat pump In addition the

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