Global hydrological models a review 2
Hydrological Sciences Journal ISSN - Print - Online Journal homepage https www tandfonline com loi thsj Global hydrological models a review Aditya Sood Vladimir Smakhtin To cite this article Aditya Sood Vladimir Smakhtin Global hydrological models a review Hydrological Sciences Journal - DOI To link to this article https doi org Accepted author version posted online Aug Published online Mar Submit your article to this journal Article views View related articles View Crossmark data Citing articles View citing articles Full Terms Conditions of access and use can be found at https www tandfonline com action journalInformation journalCode thsj CHydrological Sciences Journal ?? Journal des Sciences Hydrologiques http dx doi org Global hydrological models a review Aditya Sood and Vladimir Smakhtin International Water Management Institute IWMI Colombo Sri Lanka a sood cgiar org Received June accepted April Editor D Koutsoyiannis Abstract Global hydrological models GHMs have e ?ectively become a separate research ?eld in the last two decades The paper reviews and compares known global modelling e ?orts since the year the ?rst GHM was published Structure strengths and weaknesses of individual models are examined and the objectives of model development and their initial applications are documented Issues such as model uncertainty data scarcity integration with remote sensing data and spatial resolution are discussed Key words global hydrological models grids remote sensing hydrology Revue des modèles hydrologiques globaux Résumé Les modèles hydrologiques globaux MHG sont en fait devenus un domaine de recherche distinct au cours des deux dernières décennies Cet article examine et compare démarches de modélisation globale connues depuis année de publication du premier MHG La structure les forces et faiblesses de chaque modèle ont été examinées et les objectifs de développement des modèles et leurs premières applications ont été décrits Des questions telles que l ? incertitude du modèle la rareté des données l ? intégration des données de télédétection et la résolution spatiale ont été discutées Mots clefs modèles hydrologiques globaux maillages télédétection hydrologie INTRODUCTION The continuing debate on climate change e g Kundzewicz and Stakhiv Huard and other global drivers of change highlights the interdependence of various earth systems and the need for integration of those systems into global simulation models Wilby There is an impact on regional and hence global climate from changes in soil moisture and terrestrial evapotranspiration Munro et al Koster et al Koster et al Seneviratne et al Dirmeyer and hence river discharge which in turn impacts on sea characteristics Milly et al Land-use changes upstream a ?ect the hydrology and water quality thousands of miles downstream Freeman et al Global hydrology is closely linked with the nutrient cycle cause of eutrophication of coastal zones Foley et al Rabalais et al Fekete et al and the carbon cycle impacting on the climate The changes in these global cycles eventually have social and economic implications Due to globalization virtual water trade for example has become an important factor of both the global water cycle and food security Islam et al While the scienti ?c
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