Gluing guide Gluing Guide Gluing of Engineering Plastics CCover photo courtesy Henkel Gluing Guide CTable of contents Introduction Solvent bonding Principle Solvents Procedure Design for solvent bonding Adhesive bonding Principle Adhesive types Compatible

Gluing Guide Gluing of Engineering Plastics CCover photo courtesy Henkel Gluing Guide CTable of contents Introduction Solvent bonding Principle Solvents Procedure Design for solvent bonding Adhesive bonding Principle Adhesive types Compatible adhesives and substrates Adhesive properties Pre-treatments Recommendations for DSM products Design for adhesive bonding Quick adhesive test How to choose the best adhesive Double-sided tape Surface wetting Cleaning C Introduction Gluing for assembly of plastic parts is an e ?ective method of making permanent connections This method produces esthetic clean looking joints with low weight and suf ?ciently strong connections This is a very e ?ective joining method for heat sensitive plastics that would normally deform if welded There are three di ?erent gluing processes solvent bonding adhesion bonding and bonding with double sided tape These will be discussed in more detail in the chapters and Surface wetting and cleaning which are important for all gluing processes are discussed in the chapters and In order to achieve a strong bond it is important that the selection of the glue the application technique and the shape of the connection are all integral parts of the design process Solvent Bonding Principle Solvent bonding or solvent welding is a process in which the surfaces of the parts to be joined are treated with a solvent This swells and softens the surface and by applying pressure to the joint and with the evaporation of the solvent the two surfaces bond Adhesives are not used The process is commonly used with amorphous thermoplastics such as Xantar Speci ?c advantages of solvent bonding are homogeneous distribution of mechanical loads good esthetics no special requirements to hide the bond economic assembly - low weight no heavy screws bolts and nuts - able to join heat sensitive constructions or materials which welding would distort or destroy - good sealing and insulating properties Potential limitations are entrapment of solvent in the joint - stress cracking or crazing - dissimilar materials can only be joined if both are soluble in a common solvent or in a mixture of solvents - di ?erences in thermal expansion of components are not compensated in a thick adhesive layer if dissimilar materials are bonded - reproducibility process control - curing time - no disassembly possible - assembly hazards such as ?re or toxicity Gluing Guide ? ? ? ? C Solvents Suitable solvents for bonding selected DSM products are given in the table Arnite and Arnitel are generally bonded by other techniques such as adhesive bonding Table Suitable solvents for some DSM products Di ?erent solvents can be mixed to produce a mixture with optimal properties For instance if two dissimilar materials are to be joined a mixture of two miscible solvents speci ?c to the di ?erent polymers can be used A mixture of methylene chloride and ethylene dichloride is sometimes used for Xantar polycarbonate and polycarbonate blends Methylene chloride evaporates faster than ethylene dichloride A longer assembly time is therefore required if ethylene dichloride has been added A slurry made of

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