Grenache australia South Australia AOC DO AVA Sub AOC DO AVA Climate Mean Temperature Warmest Month Mean Temperature Coldest Month Mean Rainfall Elevation Soil Wine Style Characteristics Region website soil and wine notes from Barossa South Australia Baro

South Australia AOC DO AVA Sub AOC DO AVA Climate Mean Temperature Warmest Month Mean Temperature Coldest Month Mean Rainfall Elevation Soil Wine Style Characteristics Region website soil and wine notes from Barossa South Australia Barossa Valley McLaren Vale Winkler Region III Winkler Region III Daily maximum F January Daily minimum F January Daily maximum F January Daily minimum F January Daily maximum F July Daily minimum F July Daily maximum F July Daily minimum F July inches mm per year inches mm per year ?? m ?? ft m - m to ft Deep rich soils which are very diverse and range from the deep sandy loams to clay loams and red brown earths There is a wide variety of soil types a re ection of the varied terrain red brown sandy loams grey brown loamy sands with yellow clay subsoils interspersed with lime distinctly sandy soils and patches of red or black friable loams are all to be found As the long-standing and intensive viticulture of the region attests the soils and geography of McLaren Vale are well suited to grape growing Barossa Old Vine Charter N A ? Old ? Survivor ? Centenarian ? Ancestor ??Like all Barossa wines there is a spectrum of Grenache styles depending on soils and climate ?? from deep rich old vine reds that compete with Shiraz in complexity right through to pink and salmon colored rosés that are made for uncomplicated summer sipping But the greatest reimagining of this trusted variety is the fresh young medium-bodied Grenache styles that are appearing on many Barossa cellar door shelves and restaurant lists ?? succulent and juicy with a potpourri of spices and herbs on the nose and palate they meet today ? s demand from consumers for lower alcohol and food friendliness ? ??This variety has enjoyed a spirited renaissance during the last decade The older plantings produce incredibly rich- avoured wines with juiciness One would be hard pressed to ?nd a variety more ideally suited to McLaren Vale and many old-vine vineyards still exist and are revered ? barossawine com mclarenvale info Greenock Seppelts ?eld Stockwell Moppa Ebenezer Kalimna Light Pass Nuriootpa Dorrien Vine Vale Marananga Stone Well Tanunda Bethany Krondorf Gomersal Barossa Valley Rowland Flat Moculta Angaston Keyneton Kaiser Stuhl Flaxman Valley Eden Valley Craneford High Eden Pewsey Vale Pewsey Vale Peak m Eden Valley Rosedale Lyndoch Geographic Indicator Boundary Williamstown Springton Barossa Kaiser Stuhl Greenock Tanunda Barossa Valley ary GI Bound Barossa Valley High Eden Springton Eden Valley Eden Valley ? Barossa Grape Wine Produced by Carto Graphics Unley South Australia Barossa Grape and Wine gratefully acknowledge the assistance of ? Phylloxera and Grape Industry Board of South Australia ? HAWAII BEVERAGE GUIDE'S GUIDE TO WINE HAWAIIBEVGUIDE COM C

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