Govt 154 study guide period groups debate resolution other 1

Govt Study Guide Period Groups Debate Resolution Other Je ?ersonian System - Democratic Republicans vs Federalists Jacksonian System - Democrats vs Whigs Civil War System - Democrats vs Republicans System of ? Partisan Stalemate New Deal System -late s Democrats vs Republicans System of the s late spresent Democrats vs Republicans System of the s Part II Same -Hamilton led the Federalists merchants bankers lawyers -The Je ?ersonian led Anti-Federalists artisans farmers Came to be known as Dem-Rep -Split over Jay Treaty proper role of government and the governments ties with Britain -Arguments about appropriate Role of government -competition for Pres -Jackson championed the peoples Democratic party concerned with the individual -Whigs supported National banks high tari ?s and portcities made up of former National Democrats anti-masons and conservative democrats - Slave vs Free states as a result of Compromise of w CA free state - Kansas Nebraska Act of ?? more slave states above Missouri compromise -Regional divide between North and South led to end of the Whigs -Republicans formed in the North as abolitionists and democrats in the South -North vs South in religions and ethnic cultural divide -North moralist vs pietists protestants vs catholics -Democrats take in agrarian populists -Repubilcans dominate Eastern Business -NE cities vs South - Triggered by Great Depression -FDR wins and policy experiments ??make work ? progs National Recovery Agency Social Security -GOP use race to split democratic South culture and religion split electorate -Rise of institutional foundations Brentonwoods IMF World Bank ? -Rise of social issues RACE Brown vs Board of Education -Growing black vote in the N States -Reagonomics big tax cuts pushed govt into greater recession -Bush I had no response to economy -Clinton ?rst years party con ict and -Voters concerned about Big Govt and Economy led to Democratic backlash - Lewinskygate eaten up my un-innovative Republicans -Bush wins because of backlash helps to rally around ag terror and National security to win reelction -Once constitution was rati ?ed no longer a need for Federalists -Ferguson ? s ??Investor Bloc ? DR began to look more like Federalists and di ?erences subsided -tideless era a time of divided govt -Ferguson suggests con ict wasn ? t based on slavery but on possibility of a slave based economy that worried laborers and farmers tari ? manufacturers train companies - stag ation booted Carter -democrats forced to regroup -Economy tanked Clinton wins -Clinton tainted and ruined it for Gore -Bush failures with Iraq Katrina Shiavo -As a result senate returns to Dem control Jackson ? s democrats the descendants of Je ?erson ? s republicans -party loyalty was high - probably as a result of patronage and Party Machine votes in exchange for services -business strong national bank high tari ?s railway Rep business Dem agricultural - -women and immigrants get right to vote at this time -Retrospective voting patterns CGovt Study Guide Terms Party ? s As Pyramids Purpose of Parties Urban Machines Patronage De ?nition Example Structure top down

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