Guide 158 GUIDE infeCtioUs sUbstanCes POTENTIAL HAZARDS H E A LT H ? Inhalation or contact with substance may cause infection disease or death ? Category A Infections Substances UN or UN are more hazardous or are in a more hazardous form than infectious s
GUIDE infeCtioUs sUbstanCes POTENTIAL HAZARDS H E A LT H ? Inhalation or contact with substance may cause infection disease or death ? Category A Infections Substances UN or UN are more hazardous or are in a more hazardous form than infectious substances shipped as Category B Biological Substances UN or clinical waste medical waste UN ? Runo ? from ?re control may cause environmental contamination ? Note Damaged packages containing solid CO as a refrigerant may produce water or frost from condensation of air Do not touch this solid or liquid as it could be contaminated by the contents of the parcel ? Contact with solid CO may cause burns severe injury and or frostbite FIRE OR EXPLOSION ? Some of these materials may burn but none ignite readily ? Some may be transported in ammable liquids PUBLIC SAFETY ? CALL EMERGENCY RESPONSE Telephone Number on Shipping Paper ?rst If Shipping Paper not available or no answer refer to appropriate telephone number listed on the inside back cover ? As an immediate precautionary measure isolate spill or leak area for at least meters feet in all directions ? Keep unauthorized personnel away ? Stay upwind uphill and or upstream ? Identify the substance involved PROTECTIVE CLOTHING ? Wear respiratory protection such as ?t-tested N respirator at minimum powered air purifying respirator PAPR or positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus SCBA ? Wear full coverage body protection e g Tyvek suit faceshield and disposable uid-resistant gloves e g latex or nitrile ? Wear appropriate footwear disposable shoe covers can be worn to protect against contamination ? Puncture- and cut-resistant gloves should be worn over uid-resistant gloves if sharp objects e g broken glass needles are present ? Wear insulated gloves e g cryo gloves over uid-resistant gloves when handling dry ice UN ? Decontaminate protective clothing and personal protective equipment after use and before cleaning or disposal with an appropriate chemical disinfectant e g solution of bleach equivalent to sodium hypochlorite or through a validated decontamination technology e g autoclave or process ? Structural ?re ?ghters' protective clothing will only provide limited protection In Canada an Emergency Response Assistance Plan ERAP may be required for this product Please consult the shipping document and or the ERAP Program Section page Page ERG CGUIDE infeCtioUs sUbstanCes EMERGENCY RESPONSE FIRE Small Fire ? Dry chemical soda ash lime or sand Large Fire ? Use extinguishing agent suitable for type of surrounding ?re ? Do not scatter spilled material with high-pressure water streams ? Move containers from ?re area if you can do it without risk SPILL OR LEAK ? Do not touch or walk through spilled material ? Do not touch damaged containers or spilled material unless wearing appropriate protective clothing ? Absorb with earth sand or other non-combustible material ? Cover damaged package or spilled material with absorbent material such as paper towel towel or rag to absorb any liquids and beginning from outside edge pour liquid bleach or other chemical disinfectant to
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- Publié le Nov 22, 2022
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 28.5kB