Home security guide HOME SECURITY GUIDE San Diego County Sheri ? ? s Department Crime Prevention Unit CTo the residents of San Diego County By de ?nition Crime Prevention is the recognition anticipation and appraisal of a crime risk and positive action to
HOME SECURITY GUIDE San Diego County Sheri ? ? s Department Crime Prevention Unit CTo the residents of San Diego County By de ?nition Crime Prevention is the recognition anticipation and appraisal of a crime risk and positive action to reduce that crime risk The majority of residential crimes are crimes of opportunity wherein the victims have left their homes or vehicles unsecured The opportunity for residential burglary must be curtailed both individually and collectively through citizens working with local law enforcement agencies Many people who have never been a victim are often less than diligent about securing their homes and safeguarding their property Unfortunately thieves seek out these vulnerable opportunities accessing homes and garages through unlocked doors and windows with minimum e ?ort Reliable estimates from reports and analysis indicate that the average burglary takes just three to ?ve minutes The Neighborhood Watch Program is an integral part of keeping communities safe and is endorsed by local and national law enforcement agencies as an e ?ective way of reducing crime We encourage all residents to consider starting a program This security guide was developed to educate the public about crime prevention techniques for homes and communities By implementing suggestions in this guide and those from your Crime Prevention Specialist you will signi ?cantly reduce your risk of becoming a victim The success of crime prevention programs in San Diego County depends on the combined e ?orts of law enforcement and you In tandem we can reduce the potential for crime and create safer neighborhoods for everyone CIntroduction Most people do not realize how easily they can become victims or how easily they can prevent it from happening By using prevention techniques to help reduce or eliminate the opportunity for criminal activity a resident can enjoy improved peace of mind By simply making certain that your premises are secure whether you are home or away and always locking your garage and vehicles your chances of being victimized are substantially reduced The following ?ve key components when applied together serve to help prevent residential burglaries Surveillance - the ability for people to see and be seen by day and by night Lighting ?? interior and exterior on timers when it starts to get dark Physical Security ?? locks hardware and structural elements Evidence of Activity ?? providing a sense of occupancy at all times Neighborhood Watch ?? Neighbors watching out for each other Giving your home a sense of identity and uniqueness will psychologically inform any would-be intruder that he she is on private property This can be accomplished through landscaping and walkways that guide desired guests but serve as a deterrent to unwanted visitors Most law enforcement agencies promote the principles of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design CPTED as the most e ?ective way to confront crime This environmental approach incorporates the above ?ve key aspects into three speci ?c areas of a residence each of which is equally important to address The Exterior Included in the exterior category are
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- Publié le Apv 21, 2021
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 67kB