Hvac design guide HVAC design guide for large owner maintained multi-wing facility Introduction A The primary objective of these standards is to achieve consistency in the mechanical design These guidelines are general and are supplemented by the applicab
HVAC design guide for large owner maintained multi-wing facility Introduction A The primary objective of these standards is to achieve consistency in the mechanical design These guidelines are general and are supplemented by the applicable codes standards and guides referenced in this manual B As a minimum all new and renovated construction will conform to the International Mechanical Code IMC and the International Plumbing Code IPC C Additional standards listed in Appendix Section of this report can be referenced if appropriate for a speci ?c project This will have to be determined by designer on a project by project basis D A design narrative with speci ?c project criteria is to be developed so that project design requirements can be available in a written format to all reviewing parties Commercial speci ?cations along with detailed design drawings are required to be incorporated in all ?nal construction bid packages Final mechanical as-builts will be produced during the construction phase E New construction energy consumption shall be at least less than ASHRAE standards Renovation project energy consumption shall be at least less than ASHRAE standards F Endeavor to reduce energy consumption by below ASHRAE standards if Life Cycle Cost justi ?ed Mechanical Equipment Selection ?? General A All energy consuming equipment shall be selected on minimum capacity physical size con ?guration special features AND the lowest Life Cycle Costs B A description of equipment is required to be indicated on the equipment list drawings The engineer is required to locate and describe one manufacture ? s model that meets design requirements The following guidelines are required Indicate the manufacturer ? s catalog number and performance information Provide additional speci ?cations to describe complicated equipment Use performance data that will ensure a quality product and the lowest Life Cycle Cost Key mechanical items numbers to the plans and details Manufacturer ? s actual performance data is required for capacity equipment C All equipment assemblies requiring line electrical power will have a local disconnect provided by electrical contractor or manufacturer Coordinate with electrical engineer exact requirements per each piece of equipment VENTILATION Ventilation systems shall include a outside air capacity economizer Variable volume temperature and pressure ventilation systems are typically required using pressure independent VAV boxes Constant volume applications will incorporate pressure independent VAV boxes Pressure independent VAV boxes will be used on exhaust side for spaces requiring pressure control Full time outside air systems will require a minimum heat recovery package FANS Air Handling Units AHU Fans will be selected and sized to minimize noise in order to minimize the need for sound attenuation In fan systems totaling HP or more capacity will be adjusted using Variable Frequency Drives VFD Use OWNER standard VFD speci ?cations and instructions Fan motors HP and larger will be premium e ?ciency RPM unless a di ?erent speed is approved by OWNER Size motors so that they operate at about load at maximum anticipated air ow If fan HP requirement is ? HP for any single purpose
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- Publié le Apv 24, 2022
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 62.1kB