Interview guide 2 Sustainable Organic Market Development with International Trade SOMDwIT Interview guide WP Deliverable Susanne Pedersen Eva Schwendel Maria Paternoga Jessica Aschemann-Witzel John Th? gersen MAPP Centre Department of Management Aarhus BS

Sustainable Organic Market Development with International Trade SOMDwIT Interview guide WP Deliverable Susanne Pedersen Eva Schwendel Maria Paternoga Jessica Aschemann-Witzel John Th? gersen MAPP Centre Department of Management Aarhus BSS Aarhus University Bartholins Allé Aarhus C Denmark Corresponding author Susanne Pedersen suspe mgmt au dk June The SOMDwIT project is part of the Organic RDD programme which is coordinated by ICROFS International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems The project is funded by the Green Development and Demonstration Programme under the Danish Ministry for the Environment and Food The project runs from - - to - - Project homepage www icrofs dk forskning dansk- forskning organic-rdd- somdwit CIntroduction The purpose of SOMDwIT WP is to explore the in uence of ??made-in-Denmark ? relatively to competing countries of origin on how organic food products are evaluated on quality dimensions that consumers perceive as important both organic food in general and speci ?c product categories at important and emerging markets Germany and France China and Thailand The exploration is based on a mixed-methods qualitative research approach in order to provide depth insight and understanding into consumers ? behaviour motivations and experiences Malhotra Birks Wills and to understand the phenomenon of organic food consumption and country of origin e ?ects in a wider context The qualitative data collection employs two di ?erent qualitative methods In-store interviews and focus groups The two methods are utilized both to complement each other and to o ?set possible biases inherent to each individual method Both methods are used to investigate the same phenomenon namely the perception of country-of-origin for organic food products but in a di ?erent context A key characteristic of the in-store interviews is that consumers are intercepted at the point of purchase where the possibilities for capturing what is accessible in the consumers ? mind in the buying situation are optimal whereas focus groups allow capturing how consumers reason about this topic and justify their choices in conversation with peers in a more in-depth discussion and elaboration process By exploring consumers ? understanding reasoning and preferences under such di ?erent constraints it is possible yield an enriched and elaborated understanding of the phenomenon of interest and increase interpretability and validity of results Greene Caracelli Graham In-store interviews The purpose of the in-store interviews is to obtain valid information about the criteria consumers use to evaluate especially imported organic food products by intercepting them at the point of purchase where the cues they use to evaluate organic food products are naturally salient By interviewing consumers in a natural buying situation the ecological validity of results is strengthened An important disadvantage of this approach is that many consumers may not want to be disturbed in a shopping situation so in order to minimize the inconvenience to consumers the in-store interview guide was designed to not take more than minutes of the consumers ? time The in-store interview started with introducing the purpose of the interview and asking permission to audio- record it Then Csix questions

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