Content guide CONTENT GUIDE Introduction - about Portkabin History of Portakabin Objectives of the paper How Portakabin uses TQM and ensures quality products and services Thesis Statement Task LO and M M M D Discuss de ?nitions of quality in terms of busi

CONTENT GUIDE Introduction - about Portkabin History of Portakabin Objectives of the paper How Portakabin uses TQM and ensures quality products and services Thesis Statement Task LO and M M M D Discuss de ?nitions of quality in terms of business and services provision M You would have made e ?ective judgements to discuss de ?nitions of quality in terms of business and services provision De ?ne quality and its importance How does Portakabin apply use ensure quality in their products and services What are other procedures that they can use or using based on research Illustrate the processes of inspection and assurance M You would have shown the use of relevant theories and techniques to illustrate the processes of inspection and assurance What is inspection and assurance Why is inspection and assurance important in processing What are the di ?erent methods and processes Portakabin uses to ensure they have quality goods and services Link to theories and techniques Discuss a range of approaches to quality management M You should be able to make appropriate structure and approach according to the report presentation's purpose and audience where appropriate as to abstract executive summary content list introduction body list of ?gures tables charts conclusion recommendations appendices and reference list and terminology What are the di ?erent approaches to quality management What do you think of the current processes that they are doing E ?ective yes no why What are your suggestions based on research You can use tables charts or ?gures Explain the similarities and di ?erences between the di ?erent methods Crosby Deming Juran De ?nition of quality Degree of senior management involvement Performance standard Goal setting General approach Statistical process control Deming Juran Crosby C SPC Quality control QC Improvement basis Teamwork Single sourcing of supply Cost of quality Training Recognition Company culture Inspection defect control Which do you think is the best Why D You will have demonstrated an e ?ective approach to independent research and study and have met the deadline to submit the tasks and achieve the unit assessment criteria Task LO and M D D Discuss what is meant by customer satisfaction D You would have drawn conclusions through synthesis of ideas and have been justi ?ed in your discussion on what is meant by customer satisfaction What is customer satisfaction and why is it important What are the di ?erent methods Portakabin is doing to ensure customer satisfaction Explain the meaning of continuous improvement What is continuous improvement Is Portakabin doing this How Illustrate the type of added values to be gained What is added value How is Portakabin doing this E ?ects Describe the types of information made available to customers and the importance given to e ?ective marketing What are the di ?erent methods Portakabin is doing to inform customers of their products and services M You would have shown that you have made appropriate structure and approach according to the report presentation's purpose and audience where appropriate as to abstract executive

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  • Publié le Mai 31, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 33.3kB