Mercy reader guide CA Readers Guide to Mercy The Core of the Gospel and the Key to Christian Life Walter Cardinal Kasper By Mark-David Janus PAULIST PRESS Mahwah NJ New York City CMercy The Core of the Gospel and the Key to Christian Life by Walter Kasper

CA Readers Guide to Mercy The Core of the Gospel and the Key to Christian Life Walter Cardinal Kasper By Mark-David Janus PAULIST PRESS Mahwah NJ New York City CMercy The Core of the Gospel and the Key to Christian Life by Walter Kasper published by Paulist Press April Reader ? s Guide ? Mark- David Janus CSP PhD All Rights Reserved For information on Paulist Press titles please feel free to contact us Paulist Press Macarthur Boulevard Mahwah NJ - E-mail info paulistpress com Telephone - - Or visit our website www paulistpress com CIntroduction On Tuesday March the cardinals of the conclave to elect the next Pope moved into the seclusion of the living quarters in the Casa Santa Marta where they would remain until a new Pope was chosen The rooms in which the Cardinals stay ??drawn by lot ?? placed Cardinal Jorge Maria Bergoglio of Argentina and Cardinal Walter Kasper of Germany in rooms across the hall from each other Walter Kasper had just received the Spanish translation of his most recent book and in a friendly way o ?ered it to his neighbor as reading material The following Sunday during his ?rst Angelus address to the world the now Pope Francis publically praised Kasper ? s book saying ??It did me such good that book so much good ? That the book in question is Mercy will likely not come as a surprise given that ??mercy ? has shown itself to be so prominent a part of Pope Francis ? s words and actions Kasper ? s basic proposal in his book ??that mercy is the primary way in which we understand God and the primary characteristic of living a Christian life ??can be easily appreciated and has already been widely embraced Yet as a systematic theologian Kasper makes his points in a style that is not altogether familiar to general readers The chapters and subheadings in this guide correspond to those used in the book For each we identify and summarize key points so that readers not trained in theology may easily follow the ow of Cardinal Kasper ? s Cthinking At the conclusion of each chapter are discussion questions meant to provoke your own thinking or to use in a group discussion While in no way a replacement for the nuance and insight of the master text this guide can help individuals and discussion groups re ect on Cardinal Kasper ? s wisdom CChapter One Mercy A Crucially Relevant but Forgotten Topic The Cry for Mercy This book on faith begins with doubt seriously considering the reasons for not believing in God especially ??the unending misfortune and unjust su ?ering in the world ? In the face of meaningless su ?ering Cardinal Kasper contends the fundamental question is not does any God exists but rather does a merciful God exist Mercy ??A Fundamental Issue for the st Century ??Three popes from the second half of the th century and at the beginning of

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