National summary sheets on education system in europe and ongoing reforms

National summary sheets on education system in Europe and ongoing reforms Edition CNational summary sheets on education systems in Europe and ongoing reforms FRANCE JANUARY Education population and language of instruction In the school population in metropolitan France and its overseas départements DOM for public and private sectors stood at pupils or of the population between the ages of and and of the total French population in primary school and in secondary education and students In order for the education system to operate the State employs almost people of whom are public sector teachers The language of instruction is French The regional languages are taught as part of the modern languages branch of studies Administrative control and extent of public-sector funded education School education comes under the ministry responsible for education throughout the country Free public-sector provision exists alongside education o ?ered by private schools the great majority of which have entered into a contract with the State enabling it to assume responsibility for teacher remuneration and also in most cases as a result of so-called contrats d ? association ? association contracts ? the functioning of the school concerned of pupils in primary education and of those in secondary education attend State schools The number of students in the private sector has remained stable for several years at primary and secondary education Notwithstanding certain decentralisation measures under which responsibility for the construction and maintenance of public-sector school buildings has been entrusted to the local area authorities the central government has retained a decisive role in the area of educational policy The ministry responsible for national education draws up in detail the curriculum for each subject and level of education and provides guidelines for teaching without however obliging teachers to adopt a particular method It administers the recruitment training and management of teaching sta ? determines the status and regulations of schools running allocating them their appropriate quota of sta ? The ministry also organises examinations and awards national quali ?cations in particular the certi ?cate baccalauréat which testi ?es to the satisfactory completion of secondary schooling National summary sheets on education systems in Europe and ongoing reforms CFrance January In order to implement this policy and accomplish its numerous management tasks the ministry has ? external ? administrative departments known as académies France is thus divided into such académies each headed by a rector acting directly on behalf of the minister An académie is the administrative level enabling the regional application of education policies as de ?ned by the government It allows action to be taken according to local contexts in collaboration with territorial communities communes for primary education départements for collèges institutions providing lower secondary education and régions for lycées institutions o ?ering higher secondary education Within the overall system established at national level schools are to some extent independent as regards their administrative and teaching activity and at secondary level in collèges and lycées their ?nancial a ?airs too In practice this relative independence is expressed in

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