Rosacea guide Rosacea Understanding what it is and what you can do about it ? Dr Cynthia Bailey Skin Care LLC CTable of Contents Introduction What are the di ?erent forms of rosacea Identifying rosacea Beyond skin care Final considerations What is rosacea

Rosacea Understanding what it is and what you can do about it ? Dr Cynthia Bailey Skin Care LLC CTable of Contents Introduction What are the di ?erent forms of rosacea Identifying rosacea Beyond skin care Final considerations What is rosacea Why do people get rosacea Designing a skin care program Lifestyle and activities References Bio ? Dr Cynthia Bailey Skin Care LLC CIntroduction If you su ?er from rosacea you ? re in good company since it is very common According to the National Rosacea Society ??well over million Americans have rosacea - and most don ? t know it ? This common aspect of rosacea does not however mean that rosacea is well understood or that there are sure ?re ways to control it If you ? re reading this then you may already have experienced how tricky and sensitive rosacea-prone skin is My goal is to share with you what I ? ve learned in my years of dermatology practice caring for thousands of di ?erent complexions that su ?er from rosacea I also have rosacea myself giving me a ?rst-hand opportunity to experience it and apply my dermatologic experience and medical knowledge against thousands of skin care products and their claims In this guide my hope is to help you better understand rosacea and teach you how to identify some of the more subtle signs I ? ll give you my guidelines for choosing the right skin care products and treatments for your complexion and help you understand when you need to see a dermatologist for prescription treatments Are you one of the million Americans su ?ering from rosacea Dr Bailey is here to help ? Dr Cynthia Bailey Skin Care LLC CWhat is rosacea Rosacea may at times looks like a form of acne but it ? s really a skin rash that starts in adulthood This is an important distinction because the treatments that work for acne often don ? t work for rosacea Any adult is at risk but rosacea is most commonly seen in light skinned women between the ages of to Rosacea is characterized by persistent redness of the rounded areas of the face including the cheeks nose chin and mid- forehead It often spares the skin around the eyes Although the skin looks red hot and in amed it is not infected Rosacea is an in ammatory condition The location and pattern of the in ammation determine the type or types of rosacea a person has types of rosacea There are di ?erent subtypes of rosacea It ? s important for you to try to identify which type you have because it helps you understand your skin problem and ?nd the best skin care routine for treatment and control You may also ?nd that you have more than one rosacea type which is very common ? Dr Cynthia Bailey Skin Care LLC CWhat are the di ?erent forms of rosacea Erythematotelangiectatic rosacea Erythematotelangiectatic rosacea is the subtype of rosacea where

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