Reports guide 2 WRITING PART Report ? Purpose of a report Reports are usually written to analyse a previous experience you have had like a trip or a place you have recently visited They tend to look at something that has passed which you have to analyse a

WRITING PART Report ? Purpose of a report Reports are usually written to analyse a previous experience you have had like a trip or a place you have recently visited They tend to look at something that has passed which you have to analyse and then make some recommendations for improvement ? Language The language of a report is expected to be formal and objective For this reason you should avoid including yourself or your views in most of your sentences However you must give your opinion in the conclusion or recommendations paragraph ? Structure The report is the only piece of writing which has a title and subheadings Each paragraph should have a subheading which summarises its main topic Also the introduction can always be ??Introduction ? and the conclusion ??Conclusion ? or ??Recommendations ? ? Giving your opinion There are two main ways to give your opinion in a report You can give it at the end of each paragraph saying how you would solve or improve each aspect Or you can give leave it until the ?nal paragraph where you can summarise how you would solve or improve each aspect ? Common topics Some common topics for reports include talking about visits to museums local businesses trips and excursions important events etc CWRITING PART Report ? Sample Task The gym you work for has been losing members recently and would like to know why they are leaving The gym manager has asked you to write a report about why these customers are leaving In your report you should specify what the problems are and should give recommendations for improvement ? Sample Answer Improving Our Gym Introduction The aim of this report is to explain the main reasons why members are leaving the gym After interviewing some clients we have identi ?ed some serious problems Limited opening hours Some members have complained that the gym opens a little late for them For this reason workers cannot exercise before going to work If the gym opened at a m clients could exercise easily before going to work The changing rooms Many of the lockers are broken so customers cannot leave their belongings in a safe place Also some of the showers are not working properly so members have to queue before having a shower In order to solve this I suggest replacing all lockers and showers immediately Lack of parking spaces Some previous members have joined gyms which have a parking lot Although we cannot build a parking lot we can o ?er a parking area for bicycles As a result this might encourage members to use their bikes to come to the gym Conclusion To sum up I believe that if we take care of these problems members will be happier and will decide to stay with us CWRITING PART Report ? Sample Task Your college has just published the ?rst issue of the new college magazine The organisers are interested in knowing what students thought about it

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